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Man jailed by courts after courts bankrupt him

Started by thinkliberty, June 22, 2010, 01:45 PM NHFT

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Jeff Dolan spent Father's Day in jail, locked away for failure to pay child support. Deadbeat dads don't garner a lot of sympathy. But you don't need to study Jeff's case for long before you realize that he's anything but a deadbeat. Instead, he's a man hopelessly ensnared in a crushing bureaucratic machine: He's in jail because he couldn't pay child support, but he couldn't pay child support because he was unemployed ... and he was unemployed because the court took his driver's license for failure to pay child support ... after he went bankrupt paying his court costs.

Read more: http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2010/06/21/matt-gurney-man-jailed-by-courts-after-courts-bankrupt-him/#ixzz0rbp5VQo5