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Medical Cannabis Conference 2010

Started by Tom Sawyer, March 26, 2010, 08:22 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

The next time someone shows their ignorance about the health effects of Cannabis...
The worlds leading research authorities presenting the leading edge of current knowledge... More would be know, however the US goberment refuses to give permission for any real research to happen in this country. Well, except if you want to try and do brain damage to monkeys by asphyxiating them with smoke.


Agenda - Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics
Thursday April 15, 2010

7 PM - Reception & Exhibits

Friday, April 16, 2010

7:30 - Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 - Al Byrne - Welcome/Opening Remarks – Donald Abrams, MD (UCSF), Jesse Stout (RIPAC) and Donna Policastro, RN (RISNA)

8:30 - Raphael Mechoulam, PhD – Cannabis:Opening New Vistas in Both Therapy and Chemical Biology

9:10 - John McPartland, DO – A Molecular View of the Synergistic Shotgun

9:35 - Robert Melamede PhD – Endogenous Cannabinoid System Review

10:00 Break

10:20 - Gregory L. Gerdeman, PhD – Cannabinoids and the Neurobiology of Reward, Habit Formation and Addiction

10:45 - Andrea Hohmann, PhD – Endocannabinoid System & Neuropathic Pain

11:10 - Heather Bradshaw, PhD – The Endogenous Cannabinoid System and Reproductive Pain

11:35 - Mark Ware, MD, MSc, MRCP – Safety of Medical Cannabis Use

12:00 Lunch:  Steve DeAngelo - First Look: An Analytical Window into California's Medical Cannabis Supply

1:30 - Ed Glick – Growing Cannabis for Medicine

1:50 - Lyle Craker, PhD – Chasing the Rainbow- Medical Cannabis and the Struggle to Break the NIDA Monopoly

2:10 - David Bearman, MD – American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine

2:30 Break

2:50 - Philippe Lucas – It Can't Hurt to Ask: A Patient Survey of Canadian Medical Cannabis Users

3:10 - Jennifer Burbank – Oral Preparations

3:30 - Charles Alexandre, RN & Todd Handel, MD (RI) - Steve Jenison, MD & Bryan Krumm, RN, CNP (NM) – State Programs and Supplying Patients with Medicinal Cannabis

4:10 - Sunil Aggarwal, MD, PhD Candidate - Geographic Snapshots of Medical Cannabis Access and Delivery in Washington State

4:30 End of day

6:00-10:00 - Benefit Dinner- Dr. Weil Presentation - Silent and Live Auction - Reggae Band - Comedy

7:00 PM - Andrew Weil, MD – Live Video Lecture - Alternative Medicine

Saturday, April 17, 2010

7:30 Registration

8:00 Al Byrne - Welcome – Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

8:20 - Raphael Mechoulam, PhD – Head Trauma, Osteoporosis and Alzheimer's Disease – An Unexpected Trio

9:00 - Reinaldo Takahashi, PhD – Cannabinoids and Aversive Memories in Animals: Novel Perspectives in the Treatment of PTS(d)

9:30 - Denis Petro, MD - Cannabis in the Treatment of Eye Movement Disorders, Congenital and Pendular Nystagmus

10:00 Break

10:20 - Richard Musty, PhD – Cognitive and Psychomotor Effects of Cannabis

10:50 - Michael Krawitz and Al Byrne – Veterans and Pain, PTS(d) Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injuries

11:20 - Jose Crippa,MD, PhD – Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Past, Present and Future

12:00 Lunch: Amanda Reiman, PhD, MSW - The Patient as Informed Consumer: Moving Beyond Safe Access

1:30 - Jay Rostow (VA) & Rhonda O'Donnell (RI) - Cannabis for Muscle Spasms and MS

2:00 - Donald Abrams, MD – Cannabinoid:Opioid Interactions

2:30 - Jane Metrik, PhD – Variability in Marijuana's Acute Effects: The Role of Expectancies, Pharmacology and Genetics

3:00 - Break

3:20 - Mary Lynn Mathre, RN – Harm Reduction and Cannabis

3:45 - Faculty in Attendance Q & A, Mathre-Moderator

4:30 End of Conference

Tom Sawyer

Attached is a fine summary article, with photos, of The Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics.