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He's "not going to put up with any civil disobedience"

Started by thinkliberty, July 28, 2010, 12:00 PM NHFT

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QuoteAriz. sheriff: I'll jail immigration protester

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The sheriff of the most populous county in Arizona says he's "not going to put up with any civil disobedience" when the state's new immigration law takes effect.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says that if protesters want to block his jail, he'll put them in it.
The Arizona law, which takes effect Thursday, requires officers enforcing other laws to check a person's immigration status if they suspect the person is in the country illegally.
Arpaio told ABC's "Good Morning America" he doesn't know "what the big hype is."
He says it's "a crime to be here illegally and everyone should enforce" the law.


yeah I heard the guy being interviewed on a conservative talk radio show. 

That's those conservatives for you! wanting to preserve freedoms and liberties