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Oh, goody! Obama: "war ends by 8/31, right on schedule!"

Started by KBCraig, August 04, 2010, 03:15 AM NHFT

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Ummm... I have some knowledge on that Kat...

It's still there. Monitored every day. They still have all kinds of lasting health effects and there are still higher than normal birth defects and cancer rates even in the grand-children (and great-grandchildren and on) of those who survived. There is also a documented increase in those health problems for people who move to the area and stay over time. About 20 years ago (~1990 - when I was spending some time in Japan, so still 45 years after the fact) I met some children (3-7 years old at the time) who had all manner of diseases and problems. (They were all from Hiroshima & Nagasaki... from families that either traced back to WWII in those cities or had moved there in the 50s). I sometimes wonder how they're doing, but haven't been able to re-establish contact in years...

There are two things that people also forget: 1) The nuclear pollution that we have now compares to Hiroshima & Nagasaki the same way a swimming pool of water compares to the amount in the bathroom sink; 2) the radiation released over Hiroshima & Nagasaki was done differently and was of a different isotope than the radiation released at Chernobyl (where the main roadways are losing much radioactivities and there are certain areas where animals are actually flourishing, but step off the main roadways more than a few feet especially in certain areas and you can be exposed to very high doses of radiation very quickly... have to wear special radiation badges to even pass through the "dead zone") and actually DU is "fairly" safe UNTIL it hits something and breaks apart... releasing the deadly radiation.

We have put way more megatonnage worth of DU in the form of ordinace into Iraq than the amount of radiation we released over Japan.

It is basically kept quiet, but there are still communities being effected adversely by Chernobyl... hundreds of miles away, but "downwind". The mutant animals in that area are sickening... I haven't been there, but I've seen pictures from others who have.

Hope this helps...  it's just what I've learned and others' MMV...