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An Open Letter: Word is Bond.

Started by aod318, December 01, 2010, 03:25 PM NHFT

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Some have noticed the growing tension between Bill Rusch and me.  Tensions grew to a point where I sought out the services of Mike Ruff on 11/21/10.

My prepared statement:

I had known Bill for some time having played cards with him regularly and having conversed regularly at social gathering.  When 222 Calef was decided upon, the agreement was I would get the basement and Bill would get the 2 upstairs bedrooms with the living room, dining room and kitchen being public space.  As I was very happy with our deal, I passively and gladly yielded primary use of the living room and dining room to Bill. 
We agreed having me formally on the lease offered no gain as I was unemployed and I though Bill would respect contractual obligations.  We agreed to live together as roommates for a period of one year with myself paying a flat fee of $500 per month.
Until recently, our arrangement was amicable.
A few weeks ago around Halloween, Bill called me to ask if some people could come over.  I saw no issue with this situation and agreed.  Some people were over 2 dozen in number.  I was at Kevin's Halloween party for most of that evening.  Upon returning, I mingled, said hello to a few people and retired to my private space.  Having already come from one engagement, shortly after midnight I wanted to retire.  At this particular event, the noise levels went Well beyond anything previously used.  I'm honestly surprised none of our neighbors called the police.
As the current house guests were there under Bill's invitation, I privately stated that Eli was not feeling well and that I myself wanted to retire.  Bill's reply: I do not like to police myself.  I decided to make the best of a bad situation.  During that evening, Bill stated that he wanted to talk the next day about the noise levels.  By 1:30 in the morning, these "some" people were raging upstairs, thudding bass and greatly disturbing me.  I went upstairs again and asked Bill to reign in his guests and lower the volume.  Bill refused to accept that responsibility, yet stated: Do what you feel you have to do.  I gained the attention of the group, stated I wanted to retire and that everyone was more then welcome to stay; with the request that the stereo be notably lowered.  The guests empathized and immediately complied with my request.  I thanked Bill for understanding and went to bed.
Two days later, I sat down with Bill to discuss events. 
In this situation, I felt my property rights were being violated by excessive noise.
To summarize Bill's issues:
As I pay notably less in rent, my property rights were not relevant in this case.  Bill went on to state that he would hold parties regardless of my consent regarding the public space, that he would exercise whatever level of noise at whatever hours he wished.  Twice throughout this, Bill stated that if I disagreed I could pay more in rent or I was free to move out.  I saw this conversation was causing great disquiet in Bill and I replied that I would think about the situation, hoping that cooler heads might prevail.
I should have readdressed the issue sooner.
Last Friday (11/19/10), Bill carried out his stated intent and called for a gathering without requesting my consent and without receiving my consent. 
Just before that gathering, I received a rather lengthy email from Bill with some points I wish to summarize:

You said earlier that you thought of yourself as a partner in this living arrangement. To me that means you share an equal amount of the responsibilities. These are primarily the rent and bills and other living expenses.
In order for me to consider you a full partner you therefore need to either come up with half the rent and half the utilities ~$1000 a month in expenses, or you need to make to provide $2000 in shared services to the house or you need to provide ~$1000 in compensation directly to me.
We need to talk about how you intend to meet the ~$500 or how you will vacate the property.
Other concessions can be made as well. For instance you can forgo all access, or maybe access can be restricted to the upstairs for some agreed on amount.
Please feel free to come talk to me at any time but this needs to be resolved asap as I consider you to be deeply behind in your "partnership" obligations.

I feel contractual agreement has been breached. 
Having received this message, I went upstairs and asked if Bill would accept mediation.  He became very emotional and agitated at my request.  I asked him several times if he would accept mediation.  I felt that he was talking at me rather then to me and as he felt formal mediation was not necessary, I stated that I would address the issue that night at the party and the public can act as mediator.
Shortly after that, as I was leaving, Bill was in the laundry area and stated that he would accept mediation as long as I paid for it.  With my current mounting concerns, I accepted.
Shortly after returning, Bill knocked on my door and stated: "You had better not give me any sh!t tonight."  From his aggressive tone and body language, I felt this statement was clearly an intended threat.
The party and music ran until 2am, loud music reverberating through my bedroom ceiling.
As I did not want to further aggravate a sensitive issue, I accepted my fate with patience.  Next morning at 9am, loud music woke me up.  Yesterday's abrupt awakening was followed throughout the day with Bill playing Civilization on his computer, the subwoofer thudding into my ceiling and other media played at levels Much louder then normal.  As I had plans for Saturday evening, I felt this too shall pass.  I returned home around 11:30 and retired shortly after midnight.  At 1am I was roused by jammed guitar chords.   
I believe vacating the property is the best solution and I will accept Bill's offer to release me from my contract.  My primary concern is the accelerating level of callousness directed toward me and how much worse the situation may become before I find alternative living arrangements.

Mike Ruff's abilities as a mediator are as impressive as I've heard.  I have nothing but praise and thanks to offer.  After 2 hours, a mediation agreement was reached.

Mediation Agreement:
•   I was released from my lease as soon as alternative housing was found.
•   I would be granted, to use the term, "full partnership/equal rights" until December 14th.
•   I was allowed to store my possessions at 222 Calef until December 30th.
•   Rent would be prorated based on the day I left.
•   Starting on December 15th, I would yield all property rights, yield all previously agreed upon contractual agreements regarding public space and my "full partnership/equal rights" status.  "He has to respect me.  I don't want to hear about it."

So determined was I to free myself from such a deplorable situation and as all attempts towards calm and peaceful long term resolution failed, I accepted the possibility of conditional slavery. 

Bill Rusch has shown himself dishonorable of contract, completely lacking in any philosophical understanding of property rights and as someone who believes threats are a proper tool in interpersonal relationships.

I have no time or space in my life for such persons. 

Word is bond.


"You do not have property rights." – Bill Rusch