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Another reason to oppose capital punishment

Started by jaqeboy, January 04, 2011, 02:44 PM NHFT

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QUOTE: "The fact that there are dirty cops and prosecutors as well as stupid lab techs does not mean that the DNA test is invalid."

The dirty cops, prosecuters and stupid lab techs are the main reasons for the tests being invalid. You can not seperate the "tester/s" from the test.

It's Ok to be wrong once and while, Jim.  ;)

Jim Johnson

Maybe you missed the part about being "repeatably provable". 


Quote from: Jim Johnson on January 06, 2011, 11:16 PM NHFTYou do realize that this thread is about how DNA evidence is freeing people who have been falsely convicted and jailed for many years, some of whom where on death row. 
The fact that there are dirty cops and prosecutors as well as stupid lab techs does not mean that the DNA test is invalid.  On the contrary, a repeatably provable thing like DNA testing is an essential tool against dirty cops, zealous prosecutors and stupid lab techs.


And there's a simple solution to false results: have multiple labs simultaneously test the sample.  If they all come up with the same results, odds are the results are good.  If they come up with different results, then it's time to check in more detail, to find out what happened.

So let's get back to freeing innocent people, eh, littlehawk?



I am all for freeing innocent people as long as they are innocent.

Is it the standard for DNA tests to be sent out to 5 different labs for analysis?


Quote from: littlehawk on January 07, 2011, 09:09 AM NHFTI am all for freeing innocent people as long as they are innocent.

There's no one in any Statist prison that isn't innocent of his crime against the State, since you can't commit a crime against a myth.

Justice involves the aggressor making restitution to his victim, not one aggressor locking another aggressor in a cage, then threatening the murder the victim if he doesn't pay to maintain that cage, and feed, clothe, and care for the individual who made him a victim.

Quote from: littlehawk on January 07, 2011, 09:09 AM NHFTIs it the standard for DNA tests to be sent out to 5 different labs for analysis?

Probably not.  But it should be.  In any actual scientific study, it would be.  Attacking the science because someone used it wrong is nonsensical.



 This may be off topic a little but here goes

Illinois is about to abolish the death penalty again , because DNA testing has proven +/- 20 death row inmates were innocent of the crimes they were convicted of.

So instead of saying " our entire justice system "  is rampant with convicting innocent people .. we will just stop sentencing them to death and instead let them rot for life.. we will continue to ignore that our current system can send innocent people to prison so often.  This is the stuff that will turn me from a minarchist to a anarchist .

I need a drink before my head explodes

One more thing . My neighbor the Cook County lab tech said , and I am almost quoting here . "I would not be surprised if many of the new DNA tests exonerating people were intentionally being misinterpreted along racial lines ... just like juries with certain racial make ups won't convict no matter how strong the proof of guilt is.


but but but..its "repeatly provable"...well kindasorta...ish.  :icon_pirat:
