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FIJA, Julian, and Wikileaks

Started by feralfae, December 15, 2010, 01:43 PM NHFT

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FIJA Activists Wanted for Julian Assange and Wikileaks
The Grand Jury and the Petit Jury Educational Campaign

At FIJA, the staff members believe that the more transparent we make government and government actions, the closer we come to a government of the people.  Therefore, we encourage the complete transparency of all government documents, especially those related to undeclared wars against any people. 

Anyone reading this who is in or near Alexandria, Virginia, please print out FIJA's  On The Grand Jury flyer (it will open as a PDF file, and that can take a minute to load), found on FIJA's website, and get it into the hands of as many people as you can.  One of the people you reach may be able to share some of the information with one of the people on the Grand Jury.  It is also essential that we reach everyone who will be in the jury pool for the petit jury trial, if there is the opportunity for Julian to have one.  In any event, there is nothing to lose by educating more people, and everything to gain for us all.

FIJA activists are working on identifying a vicinage for any potential trial involving Julian Assange in order to conduct general educational outreach to the entire community. We encourage all FIJA activists to coordinate efforts in FIJA's State News and Activists Discussion Forum.  It looks like a possible trial location could be the federal court in Alexandria, VA. The grand jury is apparently empaneled: http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/12/13/wikileaks.investigation/index.html .

Anyone can distribute FIJA's educational literature!  Do it now!  FIJA encourages all human rights activists to conduct educational outreach in a non-confrontational manner. You are encouraged to read FIJA's brochure on Handing Out FIJA Literature Around Courthouses (pdf) for information on conducting effective educational outreach efforts.


Quote from: feralfae

I am not registered on fija.org
as far as I can find out from my documented records.

Nevertheless I can not browse other fija.org pages
than the page wth the message:

~Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!~

Are Humans wanted alive or dead
on fija.org forum ?