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Thank you Kira

Started by John, December 26, 2010, 06:50 PM NHFT

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I was going to start a thread to say thanks to 3 people all together, but that just didn't seem to make sense.
I wanted to say thank you to you here and then let others join in as well.
It's hard to think of where to start or end so, I'll just put some thoughts out there and probably return with a few more.
You will be greatly missed!

I remember first seeing you and thinking; here is this kid/this young adult standing there on the frontlines of freedom when most kids her age haven't a clue. I remember thinking how brave you are, and how proud Kat must be. I saw you as a sign of hope for the future ... Thank you.
Thank you for taking part in so much activism. Every bit of it makes a difference. You have helped to make the wold a better place for my generation, for your generation, and for future generations.

It was fun working with you at Hoyt; whether it was working cutting trees for fire wood or for construction, or learning to move those enormous granite blocks by hand and building the greenhouse.

And the leasure times; whether watching you compete with Kelly in a game of Set, joining in in a game of Apples to Apples, on heading out to so many contra dances. Good times. Thank you.

And the quiet times; after all the talking is done for the day: to just sit and quietly watch any one of so many lectures and learn about things; from Classical Mythology to The Joy of Science, from Understanding the Fundamentals of Music to The Great Ideas of Philosophy, and from A History of European Art to who knows what else ...

Oh, and you photography. Very nice.

And all of the volunteer work you did here at the church. Thank you.

Damn, I almost forgot to mention your baking ...Mmmmmm good stuff. Thank you.

Free libertarian

Take care of your self, and watch over your mom and step dad, they tend to be outspoken.   ;D


I'll miss your photographs of the Shire but I'll look forward to viewing new ones from where you land. Thanks for recently helping out by filming the Peaceful Assembly Choir. Thank you for all of your contributions to Free Grafton and freedom in the Shire!


Kira's quite her own person, from what little I've known and seen of her. I think she'll do quite well in life. She certainly has her mom's moral compass to help guide her along the path she chooses for herself..

The scary part to me is that the last time we were in NH and Kira and Sarah met and got to hang out at PorcFest, they were 15 and 16, respectively. Sarah turned 21 Christmas day.  :o


Thanks for teaching me how to play Set, Kira.  Your for photos of the beautiful outdoors in Grafton were always welcomed.  Remember that time the fed courthouse guards in Concord told everyone to stay off the flagpole overlook, but you sat up there so relaxed?  And when the prison guards in Connecticut yelled in your face, you just turned away from them.  Ha ha, good times. I wish I were as easy-going when I was your age.  You are miles ahead of us oldsters.


Quote from: KBCraig on December 27, 2010, 03:09 AM NHFT

The scary part to me is that the last time we were in NH and Kira and Sarah met and got to hang out at PorcFest, they were 15 and 16, respectively. Sarah turned 21 Christmas day.  :o

Oh, no! Next thing you know, Kira'll start drinking!


Kira, thanks for helping move my stuph into my house.  Good luck, and I hope you like your new home!   :hello:

Pat K