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Cloud Seeding/Weather Modification

Started by littlehawk, January 28, 2011, 08:28 PM NHFT

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Evergreen Aviation is in bed with governmental agencies, always has been.

Content directly from Evergreen Aviation website:

• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
Weather Modification
•Biochemical decomtamination

Geoengineering the climate a 2009 report for the Royal Society documents Welsbach seeding as a method to create clouds artificially.  http://royalsociety.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10768

http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5,003,186.PN.&OS=PN/5,003,186&RS=PN/5,003,186 Welsbach Patent

8 minute vid link: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/01/evergreen-aviation-admits-to-chemtrail.html

Jim Johnson

Quote from: littlehawk on January 28, 2011, 03:16 PM NHFT

They are openingly admitting it now.

As the sheeple sleep.

Quote from: littlehawk on January 28, 2011, 08:28 PM NHFT
Content from Evergreen Aviation website:

The Evergreen Supertanker is not just limited to fighting fire . It will be a true utilitarian aircraft with the capability to configure to different applications on short notice. This multimission aircraft can support sensitive security and environmental missions. The aircraft's exceptional drop capabilities, loiter time and size make it an ideal tool to perform challenging homeland security missions, able to neutralize chemical attacks on military installments or major population centers, and help control large, environmentally disastrous oil spills.

In addition, the upper deck of the Boeing 747 provides over 200 square feet of space that could be assigned as a command and control center. EIA possesses an FAA exemption number 1870C that permits the carriage of up to five individuals that are not crewmembers in the upper deck. This area is capable of providing space for command and control components that would assist in sophisticated mapping, incident monitoring and video/communications downlink relay that might require additional personnel over and above the required crew.

• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
• Weather Modification
•Biochemical decomtamination

Geoengineering the climate a 2009 report for the Royal Society documents welsbach seeding as a method to create clouds artificially.  http://royalsociety.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10768

8 minute vid link: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/01/evergreen-aviation-admits-to-chemtrail.html

Wow, It didn't take you long to renege on that deal.



Theres no conspiracy theory now as even Wikipedia has caught up to speed. (it's now conspiracy FACT)

"Field research into sulfur aerosols has also started"

I find this interesting : "To date, no large-scale geoengineering projects have been undertaken."  Read below post which clearly states largescale seeding operations are in effect.

Cloud seeding explanation with a nice illustration of a plane doing the seeding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding

Jim Johnson

Quote from: littlehawk on January 28, 2011, 08:44 PM NHFT
The chemspray is getting to me, Jim.

Don't you wear your gas mask 24hrs a day?
Maybe your chemical protective suit is cutting some blood flow to your head.


The mask keeps ripping my tinfoil hats.

Jim Johnson

I hate when that happens.

This works:  Shave your head and use tin foil tape.


Eleven western states and one Canadian province (Alberta) have ongoing weather modification operational programs http://www.naiwmc.org/

More Wikipepedia admittance:

In the United States, cloud seeding is used to increase precipitation in areas experiencing drought, to reduce the size of hailstones that form in thunderstorms, and to reduce the amount of fog in and around airports. Cloud seeding is also occasionally used by major ski resorts to induce snowfall. Eleven western states and one Canadian province (Alberta) have ongoing weather modification operational programs. In January 2006, an $8.8 million cloud seeding project began in Wyoming to examine the effects of cloud seeding on snowfall over Wyoming's Medicine Bow, Sierra Madre, and Wind River mountain ranges.     National Center for Atmospheric Research (26 January 2006). "Wyoming cloud seeding experiment begins this month". Eureka Alert. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-01/ncfa-wcs012606.php. Retrieved 27 November 2009

This is going on globally:
In October 2009, the Mayor of Moscow promised a "winter without snow" for the city after revealing efforts by the Russian Air Force to seed the clouds upwind from Moscow throughout the winter.
Meteorology News. 19 October 2009. http://www.meteorologynews.com/2009/10/19/moscow-testing-cloud-seeding-promises-winter-without-snow/. Retrieved 26 November 2009. 

Theres a whole lot of money being pumped into these projects:
In December 2006, the Queensland government of Australia announced AUD$7.6 million in funding for "warm cloud" seeding research to be conducted jointly by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the United States National Center for Atmospheric Research. Outcomes of the study are hoped to ease continuing drought conditions in the states South East region. Cloud Seeding, Courier mail. http://media01.couriermail.com.au/multimedia/2007/03/070300-water/story6-1.html. Retrieved 27 November 2009

aerosols huh???
The first three years (2006, 2007, 2008) focused on sampling of clouds and aerosols with aircraft and radar observations along with a preliminary randomized seeding program.  The 2009 program (June-September) will continue to sample clouds and aerosol along with the continuation of an exploratory randomized seeding program.

aerosol definition: aerosol ( ) n. A gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles. A substance, such as paint, detergent, or insecticide, packaged under pressure.

At the July 2006 G8 Summit, President Putin commented that air force jets had been deployed to seed incoming clouds so they rained over Finland. Rain drenched the summit anyway.  BBC News. 17 July 2006. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5189048.stm. Retrieved 30 April 2010. 

HERES A NICE ONE. No secrets being hidden now.
A number of commercial companies, such as Aero Systems Incorporated [2], Atmospherics Incorporated [3], North American Weather Consultants [4], Weather Modification Incorporated [5], Weather Enhancement Technologies International [6], Seeding Operations and Atmospheric Research (SOAR) [7], offer weather modification services centered on cloud seeding. The USAF proposed its use on the battlefield in 1996, although the U.S. signed an international treaty in 1978 banning the use of weather modification for hostile purposes.



Now that we know Ron isn't very good at math why don't you pricks give me my karma back?


Yeah..do the math. Let's do the math on cloud seeding..one plus one equals too... but for reality's sake lets call it was it is, Weather Modification...or better yet, Geoengineering.  BTW, clouds seeding is the norm... and clear admittance is from here: http://www.water.utah.gov/cloudseeding/

Read more:
Utah is the second driest state in the nation, and as such there exists a need for additional water in many areas of the state. Dams and reservoirs, sprinkler irrigation systems, and improved water delivery systems are often employed to conserve and fully utilize the natural water supply. However, more water is often desired.  Weather modification, or cloud seeding, is seen as a viable way to augment the natural water supply.

Over the years, local sponsors along with the Utah Division of Water Resources have been involved with numerous cloud seeding programs designed to increase the winter precipitation within different areas of the state. Studies indicate that these winter seeding projects generally increase the winter precipitation by 14 to 20%. Economic analysis of this sort of increase in precipitation shows that the benefits from the extra water far outweigh the operational costs of seeding. The pamphlet Weather Modification: Some facts about seeding clouds gives a good explanation of the science behind cloudseeding.

Local water users in Central Utah began seeding clouds as early as the 1950's. Large-scale seeding projects have been ongoing since 1973. For the dates and locations of historical seeding activities, see Historical Cloud Seeding in Utah. To see where current wintertime cloudseeding efforts are being focused, see Current Projects.

The state currently has two licensed cloud seeding operators. These are the only entities with the legal right to seed clouds in Utah.

LEGAL RIGHT??  Who gave them the right to mess with my skies?


This company proudly and boldly advertises their wonderful weather modification program.

When did application of modern cloud seeding technology begin? Read for yourself.

Attempts to modify the weather have been conducted for centuries.  However, modern cloud seeding dates from the late 1940's, springing from a discovery at the General Electric labs in Schenectady, New York in 1946.  The ability of dry ice shavings to convert supercooled water droplets (those existing as water at temperatures colder than freezing) to ice crystals was observed during the conduct of an unrelated experiment.  Later consideration of those observations led to a series of laboratory trials which demonstrated the nucleating properties of various materials in certain cold cloud conditions.  Trials in the atmosphere soon followed, and operational cloud seeding programs began in about 1950.

.......Some 60 years later I' d say they got it down to a science. And found other inventive ways to spray the skies with posion.
from ABC News
this is pretty cool huh?

The company has been conducting trials since 2004, and the Natural Resources Commission has now released a report into the activities after a five month study.

The Commission says cloud seeding can lead to an increase in snowfalls and has no environmental impact, but the trials should continue for another four years to investigate chemical residues.

The company's cloud seeding Project Director, John Denholm, says there have been enough trials.

"Snowy Hydro has always maintained that there would be continuing environmental surveillance, and that will not change in an operational program," he said.

"Minister Whan has been quoted in the media recently saying he fully supports the project and has been looking forward to the NRC report.

"Now that report is now on hand, we're looking forward to the Minister acting."

Mr Denholm says the project will benefit the entire region.

"It starts right here with the local community," he said.

"We have increased snowfall in the resorts, tourism, we've got benefits to downstream stakeholders, particularly out west if you consider the Murray Darling Basin plan," he said.

"This is a great way forward."

Cloud Seeding Program
Colorado's cloud seeding program began more
than 35 years ago
and was delegated to the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Director in 1987. At the
request of water users, the CWCB initiated a grant program in 2004 to cost
share cloud seeding operations with local sponsors. More recently, grants from
the three Lower Colorado River Basin States to the SWCD initiated a
multi-state/multi-year collaborative effort in the Colorado River Basin.
The primary goal of the Basin States Program is to increase system water supply
in Colorado and the entire Colorado River Basin,
as well as to modernize equipment and evaluation techniques. As Joe Busto, with
the CWCB Watershed Protection and Flood Mitigation Section, stated, another
thrust of the effort is to, "Copy the success of other programs and bring
them to Colorado."
For more information on cloud seeding in general and the State Program in
particular, contact Joe at (303) 866-3441 or visit their website at www.cwcb.state.co.us/WatershedProtectionFloodMitigation/WeatherModification.

more admittance. A short vid on cloud seeding explained by a cute bimbo chick.  (BTW silver iodide is a highly toxic substance)
Science in Seconds - Cloud Seeding