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My 11/12/05 open carry incident , report

Started by Dave Ridley, November 13, 2005, 04:09 PM NHFT

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Quote from: d_goddard on November 17, 2005, 06:36 PM NHFT
By god, I bet that footage could be syndicated nationally.
I can almost see the teaser... next on ABC... anti-COPS!
Hey Ian, didn't I hear you say in an interview that you wanted to be on TV, cause that's "where the money is"?  ;D

I am so full of love for all you freedom-lovers right now, I may need to listen to some 80's heavy metal.


Yeah, Copwatch is an awesome idea, but must be done carefully by a dedicated and visible group of people.  Physical retaliation on the part of the police is not unheard of.

No, I don't want to be on TV, I have a face for radio.  Besides that, I prefer to be shooting or editing in the TV world.  I just have 0 time for it at the moment.

For the record, I had said radio is where the money is.   8)


Quote from: president on November 17, 2005, 07:58 PM NHFT

That guy you saw taking pictures was probably from the FBI  ;)

The Female Body Inspectors?   >:D


I don't want to seem like an asshole, but there must be some grounds for a lawsuit in a case, when a police officer questions you for open carrying. It is a civil right isn't it. Either your civil rights are being violated, or a cop is harrassing you by questioning you for an act that is criminal. There may be no criminal recourse yet in this matter, but civil court will hear almost any case these days.

One may carry a pistol open and loaded, but we have ignored that according to state law, the carry of an unloaded, concealed pistol is legal. Check the GONH legal link. There is no permit required to conceal an unloaded pistol/revolver. Let's challenge John Law on this too.

Russell Kanning

Some of us are not big into sueing people or the government. But it is annoying that they keep hassling people for legal activities.


I have about one more year to sue the Manchester police department for having seized and detained me for open carry. I'm trying to get an international adoption done before I do, though.