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Police impersonators carry out string of robberies

Started by MaineShark, November 15, 2011, 08:29 AM NHFT

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QuoteIn one string of cases, groups of men have posed as plainclothes officers, rushing into homes as if carrying out a raid or shaking people down on the street. Another string of incidents has targeted Hispanic residents, who are generally at risk for robberies because of the expectation that they carry cash, speak limited English and may be reluctant to call police to report the crime.

The scheme can be highly effective, according to criminologists.

"From an early age, we're taught to give a lot of respect and power to police, and they know that they can exploit people's willingness to be compliant," said N.G. Berrill, a forensic psychologist and professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "They know people will open up the door if they see a badge. They're afraid and intimidated."

I guess that, since libertarians are generally not trusting of the police, libertarianism actually makes us safer?


Blackwater and similar gov entities at work.  Let's get this world overwith, NOW!