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Bob Bowman Patriot tour - Worcester, Mass

Started by jaqeboy, July 25, 2007, 11:28 AM NHFT

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From Central Mass 911 Truth Alliance's Meetup site: http://9-11.meetup.com/277/

All Porcupines should hear Bob Bowman speak!

    Thursday, July 26, 2007, 6:00 PM 20070726T220000Z
    Ghosh Auditorium
    Worcester State College Media Center
    Worcester , MA 01604


    For those interested, Bob Bowman will be speaking at Worcester State College, Ghosh Auditorium in the Media Center. 7-10 pm, July 26th is the event time, doors open at 6 for prior discussion. The Central Mass Patriots for Truth (AKA Central Mass 9/11 Truth Alliance) is hosting the event, it is part of Dr. Bowman?s ?Patriot Tour?. It is not a 9/11 truth event (which in itself is a large symptom of an even larger problem), but is a rally for all activists, irregardless of issue choice or affliction, to come together in solidarity to confront the domestic enemy we all face. If not familiar with the event or the man, his slogan is "Follow the Constitution, Honor the Truth, Serve the People", more info is here at www.thepatriots.us including his home page letter to Patriots, and his biography is attached below.

    Dr. Bob Bowman , Lt. Col., USAF, ret. is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation, and retired Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. The recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President's Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Republic Aviation Airpower Award, the Society of American Military Engineers' ROTC Medal of Merit (twice), the Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, and numerous other awards, he is one of the country's foremost authorities on national security. Dr. Bowman spent several years as an unpaid "People's Lobbyist" to Congress. Colonel Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the DoD "Star Wars" programs under presidents Ford and Carter. He has been an executive in both government and industry, and has chaired 8 major international conferences. Professor Bowman taught at 5 colleges and universities, serving as Department Head and Assistant Dean. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal tech. He has lectured at the National War College, the United Nations, Congressional Caucuses, the Academies of Science of six nations, and the House of Lords.

    Additionally: Dr. Bob Bowman ran for President in the Reform Party in 2000 and was the Democratic candidate for the US Congress from the 15th Congressional District of Florida in 2006, receiving 43% of the vote in the 15th district. Bob and his wife of 51 years, Maggie, have 7 children and 21 grandchildren.