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Village to 96-year-old man, residents: clean up debris

Started by Silent_Bob, November 22, 2012, 12:39 AM NHFT

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The cleanup in Amityville, Long Island, is still underway three weeks after Superstorm Sandy devastated parts of the region. So when residents got a warning that they now have to get rid of all of the debris themselves, they were none too happy.

Pete Picucci, 96, spends hours a day sitting in front of his fireplace, the lone source of warmth after Sandy flooded his home, destroying pretty much everything.

His wife is in the hospital after suffering a heart attack before the storm. He is relying on neighbors to help him clean up, a process that is far from over.

Then Friday came the notice, which said that "to prevent a summons please don't put debris outside."

Piccuci is not the only one outraged over the possibility of getting fined. His neighbors are equally frustrated.

Amityville Mayor Peter Imbert said the village doesn't have the resources to continue pickup. He said that after three weeks of the village's cleanup, residents now have a responsibility to get a Dumpster or contractor. He said officials are concerned they are not going to be reimbursed by FEMA.

Picucci and his neighbors have their own concerns about reimbursement. But despite everything that's happened, Picucci is very thankful for one thing: the support of his neighbors who have helped him get by. He said he never knew people could be so nice.


The mayor better watch out... he's close to belly bop territory.