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Help wanted for Porc Fest

Started by Kat Kanning, February 19, 2005, 06:34 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

From Varrin:

1:  Marketing Guru.  I've basically taken over that job myself, but I really
don't have time to do it justice.  The Marketing Guru is responsible for all
of the aspects of Porc Fest marketing.  Some of the work has already
been done (logo design, initial maling, etc.).  Some significant positions
under the Marketing Guru include FSP Merchandising (Phil Denisch), Vendor
Tables (open), and Advertising (open).

2:  Advertising.  This person will actually do the work of designing and
placing advertising for Porc Fest.  Both myself and the Marketing Guru
will help out / approve / suggest stuff.  We'll know what the advertising
budget is soon, but I hope it's many thousands of dollars... ;)

3:  Vendor Table organizer.  This person will be responsible for designing the
vendor table program, recruiting vendors (we've already had a couple of
interested parties), and ensuring that they're provided with everything
they need.  This person's department should turn a profit for Porc Fest.

4:  Speaker recruiting.    I'll want
to be involved in this (I'll do the actual scheduling - i.e. what time
they're on), but if someone else could send invitations, track responses, and
feed names into the program that would take some workload off of me.  There
will be a revision to the Saturday schedule (basically when I get around to
it) that I *think* will result in one fewer speakers than is currently

Contact vswearingen@freestateproject.org if you're interested in any of these.

Dave Ridley

Where do i find a porcfest schedule?  I need to work in the laser tag outing somewhere.

Russell Kanning

I was thinking that we should turn Mary's "mock" town meeting into a real FSP "town" meeting. We meet each year at Rogers and decide what our budget should be for the year. We could have political wrangling/power struggles/warrant articles ......the works. It would promote porcfest attendence since we would actually be deciding something that week. :)


Nice idea, but no cigar :P

I want PorcFest to be fun oriented, not business oriented!


Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

What .....I was thinking of the whole crazy NH experience....if you choose not to partake...then your day is quiet and restfull 8)