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Free Stater Fasting to Protect Souter's Home

Started by Michael Fisher, January 28, 2006, 11:49 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Interesting fact:  Humans are the only animals that do not instinctively fast when sick or injured.

Michael Fisher

The problem with fasting is you're cold all the time, so it's a bad idea to do during the winter.  *shrug*

Entering the 4th day of the fast now and preparing to send out the press release.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FSPinNY on January 28, 2006, 05:27 PM NHFT
Perhaps in the final stage of eminent domain when he knows he has won, Logan can stand up and say "NO, we withdraw - we would never do this", and proceed to a press conference.  :o

Several friends of mine have come up with this idea!  It is a REALLY good idea that I truly hope Clements, CNHT, and the LPNH will entertain it!  :)

Michael Fisher

You never know!

Another interesting fact:  Fasting for a friend helped turn me into a Christian.  It's hard to deny the existence of God when you feel boundless love while fasting, and you have no idea where it comes from.  :)

Michael Fisher

The press release has been cancelled because Jesus tells us that it is wrong to fast openly.  Oops. ;)

As promised months ago, I'll continue this fast until finished on Friday, Feb. 3, but will not seek to make this more public than it already is.

Matthew 6:16-18 (NKJV)

16 "Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

Russell Kanning

I think that is a good idea.
I was with PatK .... all this talk was making me hungry. I just had the most wonderful pineapple. :)
I don't worry that you are unhealthy Mike .... you are probably healthier than many of us guys with too much weight.



I don't know if fasting is the most effective way of opposing hte Lost Liberty Hotel, but it does get attention. More importantly, this shows skeptics in NH that we are not a monolithic, cult-like group where all dissent is looked down upon. When I first joined, my dad got all worried and asked me if this didn't sound a bit cultish. Well no, it's not, and we all do our own thing.

My own thing in this case, is that the Lost Liberty Hotel is a great idea, but NOT one that should ever happen in order to have maximum effect. So, this dude (forgot his name) tries to seize Souter's house using the same law Souter passed. NH courts/city whoever turn this down as unconstitutional, using state laws and the Constitution. Then the whole country gets to witness the irony of a bunch of Joe Schmoes getting their homes taken away while Mr. Supreme Court Justice gets to keep it.

It wouldn't result in a hotel, but it would be poetic, and it would be just :)

That's what I want to happen, but there's no way I'll fast for it :) I like eating waaay too much. I know. I'll make waffles in hopes that it happens  ;)



Welcome to Christianity!  I'm sorry for being a butthole earlier.  I'm glad you've had this experience.

Just my two cents worth though, I don't think Jesus condemned fasting for the purpose of trying to persuade others of the error of their ways.  It goes without saying that if your fast is to be successful (for the reasons you are undertaking it,) people will have to know that you are fasting, and why you are doing it.

Jesus criticized people who fasted as a means of demonstrating their "holiness", in essence saying, "look at me, look at how wonderful I am!"  Jesus wasn't trying to make a bunch of rules, "Don't do this, don't do that" ... he was trying to get us to examine our INTENTIONS.

As such, personally, if your intentions are to stand up for someone's rights, (and not draw attention to yourself and make others think you are good and wonderful) I doubt Jesus would have any problem with you advertising your fast.  Without such advertising, it's pretty much pointless, isn't it?  How will people's consciences be pricked if they don't even know what you are doing?



STOP,STOP,STOP. NO,NO,NO. I'll move to NH but there's no way I'm going to convert to Christianity and even less of a chance I'll ever, ever, FAST!  ;D

Russell Kanning

Michael Fisher

Quote from: freedominnh on February 05, 2006, 07:56 PM NHFT
Hey Mike are you okay?

I'm good.  :)

Just really, really busy these days.  Working constantly.

It's good to see Clements' failure to take Souter's home.   8)



I'd love to document your efforts against Eminent Domain in my film.

Please contact me if you're interested in the proposition.
