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anti-smoking facism

Started by BaRbArIaN, January 30, 2006, 10:30 AM NHFT

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California (of course) is now looking into treating even *outdoor* smokers like industrial smokestacks and will probably try to eliminate the right to smoke even outdoors of buildings there.   It never ends.


Quote from: BaRbArIaN on January 30, 2006, 10:30 AM NHFT
California (of course) is now looking into treating even *outdoor* smokers like industrial smokestacks and will probably try to eliminate the right to smoke even outdoors of buildings there.   It never ends.

It won't end till we are made into automotons of the state. Zombies designed to be obedient in every way. Yes, sir. Yes, m'am. I will do whatever you say. I will buy whatever you want me to buy. Just let me have my TV and a few other toys.
The revolution is now!!!!!!!!!!!!



The Aussies are looking at banning smoking in cars.  Are private homes far behind in the vangard socialista countries?   Certainly some states in the US would look at doing it, ostensibly for reducing driver distraction, though I don't know what is more distracting to a smoker driver, smoking or being forced to jones it while in the car.


Actually smokestacks are quite clean things, my friend!  :P
My grandfather worked as a constuction manager for years and always said how amazed he was at how clean the filters made some of the nastiest smokestacks.

Then again, smoking is often blown up to be WAY more toxic than it is. I've been around smokers more than the average person, I think, yet the one time I had pnumonia a few years back, they said my lungs looked healthy (as far as smoke would go, I've always had weak lungs).