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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Second Amendment

Started by ravelkinbow, January 22, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT

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Be apart of the solution!  Become a member of the Second Amendment Sisters and help preserve our right to bare arms!
You can help in two ways:

1)  Become a member or if your a gentleman become an associate member and your dues will help support the Second Amendment both nationally and locally.

2) BE Active! Who better than the FreeStaters and Free Thinkers to help with this endeavor!

Contact Jenn at  nh_coord@2asisters.org

New Hampshire State Coordinator
S econd A mendment S isters, I nc.

Self-Defense is a basic human right

Democracy is Two Wolves and a Lamb Voting on What to Have for Lunch.
Liberty is a Well-Armed Lamb Contesting the Vote - Benjamin Franklin

Kat Kanning

Very cool that you're doing this, Jenn :)


interested Kat?  We could use a good Keene Coordinator!


Quote from: ravelkinbow on January 22, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT
Become a member of the Second Amendment Sisters and help preserve our right to bare arms!

So, SAS is all in favor of wife-beater shirts, eh?  ;D


ok, so I need to spell check....LOL


The President of SAS National sent me this article and said she was excited to see the freestaters making a difference :-)

New Hampshire bill aims to prevent Katrina-style gun seizures

January 2, 2006
Concord, N.H.

Concerned by perceived abuses of Federal power during the Katrina crisis, New Hampshire state reps are reviewing a bill which would criminalize certain weapons seizures - even if the perpetrators are Federal officers. House Bill 1639-FN, prohibits the confiscation of lawfully owned and lawfully carried firearms during a state of emergency, making a felon of any law enforcement officer who attempts to seize such a firearm during a disaster.

The bill was sponsored by Rep. Paul Hopfgarten at the request of local Free Staters - members of a group trying to recruit freedom lovers to New Hampshire and turn it an even more libertarian state than it already is (www.freestateproject.org).

The bill reads: "Any law enforcement officer, person acting as a law enforcement officer, or other public official who confiscates or attempts to confiscate lawfully carried or lawfully owned firearms in this state during a declared state of emergency
shall be charged with a class A felony."

In the chaos following Hurricane Katrina, various government agencies - including Federal Marshalls - made systematic
attempts to sweep New Orleans of guns - even if that meant entering the homes of law abiding gun owners. The move did not cause widespread outrage in most states. But New Hampshire residents reacted by burning a FEMA flag in front of a local Federal building. They also circulated a petition pledging resistance if such a move were ever attempted in the "Live Free or Die" state....a place where guns are part of the culture and gun laws are the second-loosest in the nation.

Activists say whether it passes or not, this "Gun Protection Bill" is one more small thing they can do to try and protect themselves from disarmament at the hands of any government, during a time when they believe they will need their weapons most.

Bill text: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2006/hb1639.html
Media coverage of FEMA flag burn: