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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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State Tax Burdens Jump Across the Nation

Started by Pat McCotter, February 08, 2006, 04:45 AM NHFT

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Pat McCotter

State Tax Burdens Jump Across the Nation
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - If it seems like your taxes have been going up, they probably have ? at least at the state level.

State taxpayer burdens increased by an average of 41 percent from 1994 to 2004, according to newly released data from the     Census Bureau. Only one state, Alaska, saw the amount it collects per person decline.

Even when the numbers are adjusted for inflation, the individual tax burdens increase in 43 states.

Hawaiians last year paid the most to state government ? $3,050 per person on average. Texans paid the least ? an average of $1,368.

Rising education and Medicaid costs have fueled spending growth, which has led to higher taxes, analysts said.

"Medicaid has been the fastest growing program in state budgets going back to 2000," said Arturo Perez, a fiscal analyst at the National Council of State Legislatures.

Medicaid is the state-federal health insurance program for the poor. In an effort to stem rising costs, Congress passed legislation last week allowing states to charge about 13 million Medicaid beneficiaries new or increased co-payments and premiums.

The big range in state taxes reflects the variety of government revenue systems throughout the country. The numbers do not include local taxes, which in many states generate most of the money for schools. They also do not include federal taxes.

Wyoming, Connecticut, Minnesota and Delaware round out the top five states in tax receipts per person. South Dakota, Colorado, New Hampshire and Alabama round out the bottom five.

New Hampshire had the biggest increase from 1994 to 2004, with the state tax burden more than doubling. But at $1,544 per person, it remained among the lowest in the country.

Alaska, which gets much of it revenue from oil production, saw its state tax receipts drop 1 percent, to $2,035 per person. Oil revenue helped Alaska spend $12,294 per person in 2004, far more than any other state.

States, on average, get nearly half their tax revenues from sales taxes. They get a third from personal income taxes and 5 percent from corporate income taxes.

Education is the biggest budget item, consuming an average of 31 percent of state spending. Public welfare comes in second at 24 percent. Highways account for 6 percent of state spending and police protection just 1 percent.

Many states raised taxes early in the decade because of budget shortfalls caused by the economic slowdown. Many of those states now have budget surpluses, leading some, including Hawaii, to debate tax cuts.

"Many states are having an unexpected surplus of revenue, and that is because of economic growth," said Stephen Slivinski, director of budget studies at the Cato Institute. "It's mainly because their estimates on economic growth were very low."


On The Net:

U.S. Census Bureau, state government finances: http://www.census.gov/govs/www/state.html



This means taxes could be cut by more then 50% and the government would still be the bloated size it was only back in 1994!

QuoteNew Hampshire had the biggest increase from 1994 to 2004, with the state tax burden more than doubling. But at $1,544 per person, it remained among the lowest in the country.

Dude, perhaps this could be used as a springboard. Take taxation back to 94 levels.

Seriously, that's really not a lot considering. And everybody would be a lot wealthier.


