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For those seeking 'help'...

Started by CNHT, February 19, 2006, 07:29 PM NHFT

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I want to call attention to the fact that some individuals who live in NH have been contacted by various people with various problems who have seen their names/emails on various forums, asking if there really is a movement and if someone can 'help' them come here...

Aside from cautioning the folks who are here about these kinds of messages sent out of the blue to individuals, I suggest they send this information back to those inquiring:

Yes, there is indeed a strong political 'movement' here comprising of most of the FSPers who have moved, and natives and people who are not natives but came here before the movement was 'named', but basically for the same reasons. We all work on the political things together.

We also have many social contacts so we are never lonely. You can get rides to meetings until you get your own car, for example, by others who are going, as we all know each other and keep track of things by way of the www.nhlibertycalendar.org listings of events.

People care if you are sick or well, since if you live alone, they would check up on you if they did not hear from you in a while. So we are a cohesive bunch in that sense.

But as far as work and housing goes, plan to come here and find work on your own. This responsibility is up to each of us. There are the usual state programs that might POINT you to the right places to LOOK for work/training, and the unemployment rate is not too bad here, and we can point you to other resources such as newspapers and mailing lists, but that's about it.

There is no place to live indefinitely if you cannot pay your rent on your own, although someone might be willing to put you up for a week or so while you visit and explore the possibilities.

As I said, you will have 100% political and social support but it is my opinion that you need to find a job and housing BEFORE you land here permanently...for best results...unless you already support yourself without a job.