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New Website

Started by dpagan, February 18, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT

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Well I've finally done some work to a domain that I have that was sitting domant. It needs ALOT of work, and looks pretty amateurish but it's all I got done today. The link is http://www.libertyinamerica.com. I'm open to all comments and suggestions but keep in mind I do have alot of secret plans in mind  >:D


It's up and pretty barren atm.

Fluff and Stuff

"Liberty In America is a site to promote libertarian ideas and expose the corruption of our current fascist government"

Is too faded to read with IE.

I meant to say the sites looks great I think it will grow into something cool but I did notice one issue on the whole site  ::)

Lloyd Danforth

Oh Shit!  more secret plans!


Whoops I forgot to test the site in IE. Ya secret plans like libertarian movie, book reviews, news and that stuff, no forums though ever.

Kat Kanning


I just noticed your quote kat, that's a good one.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: TN-FSP on February 18, 2006, 07:45 PM NHFT
"Liberty In America is a site to promote libertarian ideas and expose the corruption of our current fascist government"

Is too faded to read with IE.
It doesn't look to hot in firefox on linux either.
The rest is fine.


An excellent start.
Keep up the fight!