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Hispanic outreach?

Started by KBCraig, February 27, 2006, 02:07 AM NHFT

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There are a number of articles in the Union Leader for Monday, 2/27/2006, about the surging growth in the Hispanic population in NH. Personal experience tells me that first-generation immigrants, especially from oppressive Latin American countries, tend to be fanatic freedom lovers, extremely hard working, and free market capitalists with little respect for the finer points of  laws that hamper business.

Just our kind of people!  ;D

My Spanish is mediocre, and obviously I can't do much outreach in Manchester. But I do see this group as having a lot of potential for the freedom movement. Anyone who has ties to any of the varied Latino communities should toss out a lure and see if they can get a bite.


Lloyd Danforth

I don't know about Manchester, but, much of the Spanish migration moving north in New england are Puerto Rican gangs taking over the drug dealing or introducing stuff like crack.

Dave Ridley

One good time and place to reach out to hispanic (or at least immigration) activists would be at most any House hearing related to immigration.  Usually an immigration bill is anti-liberty and so you can go testify on their side of the issue and then swap contact info after the hearing.