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Taping help needed: WMUR News to feature RFID segment

Started by NH Katherine, February 24, 2006, 05:52 PM NHFT

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NH Katherine

Hi, all:

Great news! After our recent protests raised awareness about RFID in New Hampshire, WMUR decided to do a feature segment on RFID.  They invited me to their studio in Manchester last month to record the segment. (Michael Fisher announced this at a recent Merrimack Porcupines meeting, but he did not know when WMUR would air the segment.)

Now, WMUR tells me the RFID piece will air on Sunday (THIS WEEKEND!) for 2 minutes at 6:00pm and a longer 5-minute version at 11:00pm.

QUESTION: Does anyone out there have TIVO or the ability to digitally record television broadcasts?


p.s. I know some of you recorded a prior television appearance I did, but somehow I did not receive anything. If you have an old recording kicking around, drop me a line and we can work out how to get it to me.

Dave Ridley

I'm putting this on the calendar but can't record it.



Quote from: NH Katherine on February 24, 2006, 05:52 PM NHFT
p.s. I know some of you recorded a prior television appearance I did, but somehow I did not receive anything. If you have an old recording kicking around, drop me a line and we can work out how to get it to me.

I gave a copy of Squawk Box that had you on it to Joel at the last MVP... it is in .tivo format so it will run with Windows Media Player.

I will try and tape this tomorrow.


Billy thinks he can copy it with one of the computers so we are going to give it a try..if it works we will be able to burn it to disk.


I also got it last night.

It was good.
Although I wished they would have brought up the fact that
'Walmart "says" it is not doing individual products it is... the HP printer'

I will put it on a CD and bring in on Saturday unless you want it upload somewhere... it is about 300Mbs I think.. I haven't put it on my PC yet.

NH Katherine

Thanks, guys! I thought WMUR did a great job with it -- nice editing and many different sources of information, and it definitely got the privacy point across. (Even if it did perpetuate Wal-Mart's lame "no item-level tagging here" line.)

I especially thought we all looked fantastic chanting, "In New Hampshire we live free, we don't want RFID!"
I love that footage and have sent it to news outlets all over the country.

FYI: There's an NH CASPIAN meeting this Thursday (March 2), 7:00 PM, at the Weathervane Restaurant (http://www.weathervaneseafoods.com/index.cfm?p=Location+Detail&id=7).

For details about HB 203 and how you can help us prevent RFID from being hidden in the things you buy and carry, see:



p.s. Dreepa - Any chance you could mail me the disk? (Details here:
http://www.nsanewengland.com/speaker_detail.asp?DirectoryID=1128) Please let me know any time I can do you a favor in exchange.


I will know for sure if we can burn it off when Billy gets home from work today.  We think we got it, if so we will burn off some disks and try to come to the Caspian meeting.