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Well damn . . . TN underground marijuana growing bust

Started by JonM, February 26, 2006, 08:03 PM NHFT

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And some people think gambling is the best way to fund public education. ;)


As we say Down South, "daaaayyyy-um!"

Rich junkies don't mug people. And free-market cannabis growers wouldn't spend so much on elaborate safeguards. This impressive display courtesy of the War On (Some) Drugs.



Quote from: KBCraig on February 26, 2006, 10:09 PM NHFT

And free-market cannabis growers wouldn't spend so much on elaborate safeguards. Kevin

They would if'n they were the only Free and Independent state in the Union to trade it on the free market. ;)


I didn't see anything about a generator or alternate power sourcce. Those high powered lights use a lot of electricity. This will cause their electricity bill to skyrocket and raise suspicion.


If you're gonna install that door and that escape hatch, I'd guess you're not gonna tap the grid for your power.  But that's just a guess.


From my observations of cops I would say they took it for themselves.


You're right DC.  Plus, this operation is just a drop in the bucket.  I wonder who snitched.   >:(


This is what happen when the 'government' causes a weed to become more valuable than gold ::)