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Yippee yay!

Started by KBCraig, March 02, 2006, 01:46 AM NHFT

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No, I didn't win the lottery.

But this is my 2,000th post on the Underground!

:occasion15: :occasion18: :occasion16: :wav:


Kat Kanning

But now you can't post anymore, or this thread will be meaningless.   :P


No, that will always be my 2000th post.  ;D

Kat Kanning

I could start deleting your old posts so that you always have 2000.

Lloyd Danforth

We could delete him back to a newbie!  Then he could look forward to his 100th post ;D


That's the kind of thing that would happen on forumnazis.com:'(

Lloyd Danforth