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genetically modified organisms are safe. Right."

Started by BillyC, May 25, 2006, 07:40 PM NHFT

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What do you guys think of this Monsanto company.


May 15, 2006
"The Earth is flat, pigs were invented by Monsanto, and genetically modified organisms are safe. Right."
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Through more patent perversions such as the earlier "Terminator Corporations' Suicide Seeds" Mansanto is blatantly continuing their scheme of rounding up the food chain from A to Z!

"One way or another, Monsanto wants to make sure no food is grown that they don't own -- and the record shows they don't care if it's safe for the environment or not. Monsanto has aggressively set out to bulldoze environmental concerns about its genetically engineered (GE) seeds at every regulatory level. So why stop in the field? Not content to own the pesticide and the herbicide and the crop, they've made a move on the barnyard by filing two patents which would make the corporate giant the sole owner of that famous Monsanto invention: the pig. "


Genetic engineering of seeds doesn't bother me all that much.


I suppose it's how they engineer them, after all warfare can come in very small packages.  What better way to control the world's population than to cause infertility or disease.

Just a thought


Quote from: ravelkinbow on May 25, 2006, 08:25 PM NHFT
What better way to control the world's population than to cause infertility or disease.

Just a thought

Very perseptive I think. Or would they  call you mad.  ;D


Monsanto didn't start out in genetic engineering.  It's a chemical company specializing in pesticides (namely, Round Up).

To boost sales, it made use of genetically altered corn, soy, cotton and pther seeds that survive massive doses of Round UP -- the "genetic engineering" is a tolerance for high doses of the pesticide that Monsanto already had on the market.

Monsanto wins all around.  It sells seed to farmers -- that they can get ONLY from Monsanto -- that resist high doses of pesticide and then sells them the pesticide.  The result for farmers is crops without weeds, which is what farmers like.   Apparently healthy crops with less work.

Since no one keeled over dead after eating the first ear of genetically altered corn, everyone seems to think it's probably ok. 

My problem with genetically altered food is that you can virtually be guaranteed that it was well-dosed with pesticide.   My problem with Monsanto (and the farmers who made it a very wealthy and powerful company) is that both Monsanto and the farmers were looking out for their own bottom lines, rather than the health and long-term welfare of anyone else.


Quote from: ravelkinbow on May 25, 2006, 08:25 PM NHFT
I suppose it's how they engineer them, after all warfare can come in very small packages.  What better way to control the world's population than to cause infertility or disease.

Just a thought


I just don't want to have to worry about what people are doing to my food. I'd really like to have more faith in the world than to suspect them of trying to alter my body with genetically altered food.

Pat McCotter

The problem with these seeds isn't so much the GM part of it but the patents and licenses required to plant them:


Percy Schmeiser is a farmer from Bruno, Saskatchewan Canada whose Canola fields were contaminated with Monsanto's Round-Up Ready Canola. Monsanto's position was that it didn't matter whether Schmeiser knew or not that his canola field was contaminated with the Roundup Ready gene, or whether or not he took advantage of the technology (he didn't); that he must pay Monsanto their Technology Fee of $15./acre. The Supreme Court of Canada agreed with Schmeiser, ruling that he didn't have to pay Monsanto anything.. .....full story

Pat McCotter