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Job openings at UNH-Durham

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, May 08, 2006, 07:15 PM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

My boss sent this message out to the staff. 

"We are taking applications for the fall for our group, AV Services, and ResNet.  Go to http://clusters.unh.edu/ and click the Employment link.  If you have friends who might be interested in working for us, spread the word, please!"

If you are good with computers, this might be an option.  The computer consultant position only pays $7 + annual raises, but it is easy and fun.  I think AV Services and ResNet may pay a little more, since they require a little more work.  I think they may prefer to hire students, but they do occasionally hire non-students.

Recumbent ReCycler

The University president just resigned.  The school is hoping to find a replacement by next January.  Any presidential hopefuls out there?  ;D


you might want to post these jobs over at the freestate forum...


LOL - don't college presidents have to be mad flaming liberals?

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: RichDPhoto on May 18, 2006, 09:26 AM NHFT
LOL - don't college presidents have to be mad flaming liberals?
Not in NH AFAIK, but you could always pretend to be one at the interview.   :P