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Bike helmet law for kids

Started by KBCraig, June 07, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT

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A useless law: When bike helmets don?t fit

A LAW does no good if the police cannot enforce it. Such is the case with New Hampshire?s child bicycle helmet law.

The statute, which took effect earlier this year, makes it illegal for children younger than 16 to ride a bicycle without a helmet. What if police find a kid violating the law? Derry Police Capt. Vernon Thomas said in an AP story yesterday that police in New Hampshire cannot ticket minors and cannot cite parents for violations committed by their children. Police can file a petition and have the parent and child hauled into court.

?I can?t imagine having an 8-year-old show up before a judge,? Plaistow Deputy Police Chief Kathleen Jones was quoted as saying.

Sen. Robert Flanders, R-Antrim, who co-sponsored the bill, said the sponsors ?never even thought of? how the bill would be enforced.

All children should wear helmets while bicycling, skateboarding, in-line skating, etc. But this helmet mandate shows how legislators assume, without thinking, that they can solve any perceived problem simply by passing a law.

Legislators need to stop trying to parent everyone?s children and realize that there are some things the state just cannot, and should not, control.

Pat K

Sen. Robert Flanders, R-Antrim, who co-sponsored the bill, said the sponsors ?never even thought of? how the bill would be enforced.

I wish his parents thought alot harder about birth control.



Sweden has had a law for a few years that make children under the age of 15 have to wear a helmet. Now they're pushing for a law to make it mandatory for everyone.

I'm not sure how the law is enforced. Swedish citizens aren't exactly known for being rebellious. You pass a law here and everyone follows it. People worship the state so much they don't even think twice about following every law they know of.