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Doers/Organizers Meeting at PorcFest!

Started by lpb52, June 13, 2006, 09:25 PM NHFT

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For those of you who are thinking about attending PorcFest the weekend after next, and are interested in possibly volunteering, this is the event to attend!  Thanks!

Doers' Meeting Friday, 6/23, 3-5PM, at the Pavilion: 
This is a Must-Attend Meeting for any Free State Project Organizer or Doer, or Wannabe Volunteers!


3:00 ? 3:15:       Snacks, drinks, mingling/introductions
3:15 ? 4:15:       State of the FSP, Discussion and Q&A with the President and members of the FSP Board
4:15 ? 4:30:       Volunteer Recognition
4:30 - 5:00:        Call for new volunteers, discussion of volunteer opportunities
5:00:                 Adjourn to the BBQ at the dining hall to mingle with the public


Lynn Pina
NH Info & NH Jobs Coordinator

Check out our NH Jobs resources at:

Post your resume under NH Jobs, Positions Wanted at:

Check out NH housing and other community/logistical information at:

Be sure to join us at PorcFest 2006:

and pledge to be one of the First 1,000!

Fluff and Stuff

Of course, Friday was the worst day to hold this, but anyway  ::)  So, what I really mean is that I will not yet be there but will be there late on the 23rd through the 1st  :(  Someone take notes, thanks  ;D


I'll still be "there" (meaning, Roger's), because we plan to leave mid-day on 6/24. I'd like to make this meeting, but since I don't consider myself a doer, organizer, leader, planner, or anything more than Just Another Effin' Porc, I don't know that the meeting is for me. If I'm in camp at that time, why, sure! I'll make it just to meet the people who are doers and organizers.


Russell Kanning

Sounds good.
So FSP stuff ....
BBQ :) ....
and the Tall Tales of Shorty's exploits around the campfire

(Shorties xploits for Ytsvu) 8)