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Submission for KFP : "The Misunderstanding Continues"

Started by FTL_Ian, July 06, 2006, 02:04 PM NHFT

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In the last issue of the KFP, Josip Kovich wrote in yelling, "Deport Illegals!", "Seal the border now!".  He complained about the billions of dollars spent on welfare allegedly going to "illegals".

It's not immigrants that are the problem.  Government and its welfare system are the problems.  As I stated in my last letter, ending government welfare is the solution.  Does Mr. Kovich call for that?  No.  Instead he rants and raves about "sealing the border!".  He calls for MORE government.  How many more billions will it cost to "seal the border"?  How much privacy will I have to give up to the "authorities" in order to keep the USA free of "illegals"?

If we abolished immigration laws, there would be no such thing as an "illegal".  If we got rid of government welfare, immigrants would only be coming here for a better life. 

It seems however that even that idea is scary to Mr. Kovich.  He cries about the millions of immigrants coming into the country as though that is a problem.  More people working means a better economy.  We have plenty of space.  His primary objection?  They won't speak english.  Even that claim is false.  Immigrants are eager to learn english, 2nd generation immigrants are fluent.

His other objection is the xenophobic idea that they should just stay in Mexico and work to make it better.  Kovich doesn't seem to understand the point of the United States.  Perhaps he should try reading, "The New Colossus".  Since he probably isn't aware of it, he can find it inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.  Here's an excerpt:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

There are people around the world yearning to breathe free.  This country is supposed to be the place where, if they could make it here alive, they would be given freedom, and that's all.  No government welfare.  Freedom.  What's wrong with that?

Ian Bernard
Host, "Free Talk Live"

Tom Sawyer

Good job Ian. 8)

This month's Reason Magazine is about immigration, lots of good info on the facts. Proves that most of the assumptions about immigrants legal and otherwise are off the mark.

Russell Kanning


Translation of that page: "We need more police state!"  "More walls!"  "More checkpoints!"


Dave Ridley

ian the only thing i dont' like about your editorials is that your byline isn't sufficiently connected to nh.  all it says is you are ian from free talk l ive, i would like it if the byline itself said something about you being a property owner in keene or gave your move date.


I thought about that, but just figured I'd wait until I got there.  That might make the xenophobes feel threatened. 

Russell Kanning

We like to print stuff from big name libertarians like Ron Paul, Walter Williams, and Ian Bernard. :)


Quoteian the only thing i dont' like about your editorials is that your byline isn't sufficiently connected to nh.  all it says is you are ian from free talk l ive, i would like it if the byline itself said something about you being a property owner in keene or gave your move date.

Wow.  You really aren't going to like the new "foreign affairs" desk at the KFP.


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 22, 2006, 11:25 PM NHFT
Quoteian the only thing i dont' like about your editorials is that your byline isn't sufficiently connected to nh.  all it says is you are ian from free talk l ive, i would like it if the byline itself said something about you being a property owner in keene or gave your move date.

Wow.  You really aren't going to like the new "foreign affairs" desk at the KFP.

I don't get it.   :-\


Dada wants the KFP to mostly cover local stuff.  I'm pressing for more national coverage, and in fact have been named editor of the new foreign affairs desk at the KFP.  :)

Russell Kanning

Yea .... he covers stories from places like Mass. and NY.