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They're relaunching Spider-girl! (after canceling it.)

Started by tracysaboe, July 16, 2006, 12:02 PM NHFT

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<Completely Random Post>

I am SOOOO Pumped!

Not that anybody here cares.  But Spidergirl's the only reason I read comics nowdays.
(Not that you care about that either, but anyway)

</Completely Random Post>

Edit. Removed Pic. security won't let me cross post it.  :( TS



SpiderGirl is the Daughter of Spider-man in the M2 Universe which in my opinion is basically just 15 years later from the real universe, breaking off from right before marvel screwed up all the continuity in the late 90s w/ all their titels.

This is a letter that I e-mailed them a few years back.

And they even printed it in their letters section (although they edited it for size.)
Hi Spider-Girl,

I just wanted to drop you a line and say I really
enjoy your book.

I collected Spider-Man (indeed, most of the Marvel
Universe) up until about '95 or so, (ran out of money
at the time). When I heard that you had started
rewriting his history I was really frustrated with
Marvel. Too me, rewriting the history of a character
is wrong and does an injustice to the original
attitude. If you want a new hero, create a new hero,
don't ruin an old one. So while I've been trying to
collect the back-issues of all the original series up
until his death [in '98 at the end of the clone saga]
(as well as all the other books up until your misguided
"Hero's Reborn" which ruined all the other hero's for me),
I thought I would never purchase a new comic book from
Marvel again.

When I first saw Spider-Girl, my first thought was a
facetious "Oh my." But when I realized that
Spider-Girl was a continuation of the original story
with the only changes being that Spider-Man had lived,
and had a daughter instead of a son, I was intrigued.

Spider-Girl brought my Spider-man back to me. Indeed,
M2 brought Marvel back to me. To me, M2 is more like a
continuation of the original universe, and the current
"regular" marvel universe is the alternate one.

I don't know if this is the right place to say this,
but I especially enjoyed F5, as the original FF and
FForce comics left many things hanging when Marvel
screwed them up. I was excited when I discovered that
you had started an F5 series, as I thought it might
eventually tie up those loose ends (through
flashbacks) while it continued 15 years after the
original FF series left off -- Just like Spider-Girl
has more or less done. Then I was bummed when I found
out F5 only lasted 5 issues. PLEASE continue the F5
series. I had no idea F5 even existed when it first
came out, or I would have bought it. Give me another

While you're at it, bring back A-Next, Wild Thing, and
J2. I would have bought those too, if I had known they

You're M2 Fan,
Tracy Saboe

PS Dark Devil Rocks!

Here's a pretty good fan site if your interested in reading up about it.


PS. KArma to Dalebert for replying to my post.


Quote from: tracysaboe on July 27, 2006, 12:31 AM NHFT
PS. KArma to Dalebert for replying to my post.

Thank you! I was about to ask who I have to blow to get karma around here.  :blush:


dang it my pic still won't come through.

