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Fireball Over Texas 'Turned Night Into Day

Started by BillyC, August 06, 2006, 11:29 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

I was surfcasting for Stripers at the opening of a Breachway in RI, about 3am. one morning,  25 years ago when a light went off in the sky, that was absolutely silent.  It lit up the Bay for miles around and block Island, 15 miles away!
I was with an old guy who was a good friend of mine.  He had probably spent 3 percent of his life sleeping outdoors and sailing and said he had never seen anything like it before.  I assume anything entering the earth's atmospere that could create that much light would make some noise.
A couple of years later, while sailing with the same guy off of Owl's Head, ME, we experienced another phenomena, but, I'll save that untill someone brings up pillow shaped waves the size of city blocks,close to 50 feet high.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 06, 2006, 02:32 PM NHFT
A couple of years later, while sailing with the same guy off of Owl's Head, ME, we experienced another phenomena, but, I'll save that untill someone brings up pillow shaped waves the size of city blocks,close to 50 feet high.

Maybe pocket of methane hydrate that burst from the seabed.

Undersea Mounds May Host Gas Pockets Ready to Burst

Giant Sea-bed Pockmarks

Lloyd Danforth

Didn't smell anything.  They didn't pop open or anything. They we're heading towards shore which was too far away for us to see what effect they had when they broke.  We turned into them.  As we had a keel, it was like going up in an elevator!  We went up the front of the first one and for just a second we were way up in the air, then down into the trough between the two pillows. While at the bottom, for just a second looking up at 45 degrees there was water all around us.  Then the elevator ride up and down the second pillow.
My friend, Denny, with 50 years sailing experience, had never seen anything like it.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 07, 2006, 07:38 AM NHFT
Didn't smell anything.  They didn't pop open or anything. They we're heading towards shore which was too far away for us to see what effect they had when they broke.  We turned into them.  As we had a keel, it was like going up in an elevator!  We went up the front of the first one and for just a second we were way up in the air, then down into the trough between the two pillows. While at the bottom, for just a second looking up at 45 degrees there was water all around us.  Then the elevator ride up and down the second pillow.
My friend, Denny, with 50 years sailing experience, had never seen anything like it.

Wow that sounds wicked.  :o
I would have liked to see that ....................from a distance of course.  ;D

Pat K

I think KB just had some gas and let it loose while he was BBQing.

Kat Kanning


Any liquid "smoke" is too much. It doesn't cause gas, but it does make me wanna hurl.