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Immigrants and jobs

Started by KBCraig, August 09, 2006, 01:23 AM NHFT

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Just for Jane.  ;D


Refugees at work: Why aren?t locals getting the jobs?

THERE IS dignity in a job well done, even if the job itself does not carry great status. America used to teach that to the world, but now it seems others are teaching us.

As this newspaper reported on Monday, Manchester area businesses are hiring Somali immigrants, even though they don?t speak English, because they work so hard and so well.

?You show him something once, and it?s done,? Paul R. Nault, a manager at Nault?s Honda, said of his Somali employee, Hassan Maalo Buruke. ?Not only is it done right, but it?s done better than how you would show him.? Other employers offered similar praises for their Somali employees.

When an immigrant who does not speak English is more employable than the numerous locals applying for a job, what does that say about the work ethic being cultivated here at home?


Don't worry, once we run'em through the public schools for a generation or two they'll lose their competitive advantage.

The nail that sticks up gets told to stop spoiling the class average.


It says that Americans are bound to be upper-level managers and hard-working immigrants are bound to be the underlings.


Quote from: aries on August 09, 2006, 08:37 AM NHFT
It says that Americans are bound to be upper-level managers and hard-working immigrants are bound to be the underlings.

Hardly.  People with good work ethic will rise through the ranks, regardless of where they were born.


Ah, the optimism of youth. I remember that.



Quote from: cathleeninnh on August 09, 2006, 11:24 AM NHFT
Ah, the optimism of youth. I remember that.

Hey, as long as we keep producing optimistic youth some of them have to succeed. No matter how improbable it is...

/optimistic youth
