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Demise of the LP - time for an Independence Party?

Started by Caleb, July 06, 2006, 08:56 PM NHFT

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I think it's a great idea.  Plus, I talked briefly with Gardner Goldsmith about secession yesterday and he told me he once wrote an essay about how NH should seceed.

So that makes two radio shows and a newspaper that will actively propagate the idea of secession...  :)

Russell Kanning

I asked many candidates at he CNHT picnic what they thought of NH independence. I will write it up for the paper. :)

Dave Ridley


Haven't decided fully, but I think I'm going to run as a write in candidate for the New Hampshire Independence Party.


If the LP will never work why would a more radical libertarian-secessionist party win an election? It doesn't make much sense. I like the website for Republic of New Hampshire though.
Secession really isn't a partisan issue when you get right down to it though. I thought a secession bill usually goes through the NH leg every year or so.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: citizen_142002 on July 22, 2006, 01:09 PM NHFT
If the LP will never work why would a more radical libertarian-secessionist party win an election? It doesn't make much sense.
Would it be any less likely to work? .... and it is more fun. :)


Citizen, we can make anything work.  Our position is the right one.  We just have to successfully communicate how reasonable voluntary society is to the general public.


When you ask if it's time for an independence party, because the LP is facing its "demise", you imply that it will be a more sucessful alternative. I'm not opposed to an independence party in NH, but I think that Libertarian candidates who don't push secession will still do much better than those calling for independence.
Ian, you can't necessarily make a political party work. It depends on whether anyone supports it, or votes for the candidates, and ultimately you have no control over that.
I support NH Independence, but I have never much cared for one issue parties, even though the NHIP platform seems pretty broad. Repubs, Dems, and Libs will all be voting on an independence bill/referendum. I think Republic of NH is a great thing. I'm not so psyched about NHIP because I don't think it will take, but by all means give it a shot, and if the public doesn't absolutly reject it, then I'll likely change my tune.

I detest what took place in Portland, but in reality most people involved with the LP, if elected, would still apply the same principles to the issues that were removed from the platform as they would have before. They weren't going to vote a certain way because of the platform, it was  better when the party made its philosophy clear on every issue.

I think that the LP is set up to do relatively well in other states, it's kind of a lost election here in NH. Very little progress will be made on write in tickets. I will write in Caleb with the New Hampshire Independence Party, since Chet Lapointe is just a write in too.