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Admitted Pedophile Says Children Can Consent

Started by BillyC, August 04, 2006, 03:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: tracysaboe on August 07, 2006, 12:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: Rodinia on August 06, 2006, 08:01 PM NHFT
QuoteThat said, when a girl lies about her age to a man and he gets thrown in jail for having sex with her, I think that's pretty outrageous.

You can try getting to know someone before screwing them. Typically, that helps alleviate any doubts. I'd have to say, my age line is 16. Any younger and you are seriously walking down pedophile isle. I still think that is too emotionally immature. What can I say, I'm traditional.

Tradition is a relative word.

Traditionally kids weren't emotionally immature at age 16. Government schooling is largely responsible for the infantalization of kids these days. Both boys and girls traditionally used to be considered men and women by their 12th birthday. This elongation of childhood started with government schooling.

You're right. In this dumbed down society they are emotionally immature at 16. But if we could do away with the "dumb downer" I believe such prejeduces would cease to be unilaterally true.


There's a book out there about adolescence.  Since the days of antiquity, a boy became a man at 12, not 18 or 21.  Whether ancient Greece or Israel, tradition dictated that one took on adult responsibilities at this age.  Shortly thereafter, fathers began looking for a suitable groom for their daughter.  This was done in an era where life expectancies ranged around 30.

I believe that if you treat people like children, they will act like children.  If you treat people like adults, they tend to act like adults.  When you treat people like criminals, many act like criminals.  The best parents I've seen have wonderfully well behaved kids, and they treat their children with both respect and responsibility, like young adults.

From a legal vantage point, I think that parents must be responsible for their kids until their 18th birthday.  Regarding statutory rape, I believe that a prosecutor should have to prove rape, i.e., that the younger individual could not have consented to sexual activity.  Unfortunately, we have 13 and 14 year olds having sex with eachother, and it suffices to say that many are also pursuing sex with adults.

In fact, the median age of teenage girls getting pregnant is 15, while the median age of their father's in 20.  Many of these girls then have abortions because the birth of that child would serve as proof of their affair.  This is the worst possible outcome.  Nature doles out 18 years of child rearing as punishment for getting your girlfriend pregnant.
