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Volunteers Needed Real ID

Started by ravelkinbow, August 22, 2006, 02:18 PM NHFT

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Senator Clegg has put together an ad hoc committee to
present his facts on REAL ID.  Read the story of last week's meeting

According to Senator Burling, there are no friendly faces on the
committee.  The members were hand-picked and will not ask hard

Can you join us this Wednesday afternoon to make an anti- REAL ID
presence known?  The meeting is scheduled to start at 1pm, in rooms
210-211 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord.  Anyone who
still has their 'No REAL ID' badges should wear them; we will have
extras for those who don't.

Hope to see you all there.  Who is going to join me??



Dave Ridley

"Clegg accused Burling of trying to "keep the facts hidden" and pander to libertarians. "


On the other hand...

"Burling said he doesn't oppose a national ID, so long as it's not an "unfunded mandate" on the states"



ravelkinbow called this morning to let people know, the meeting today is CANCELLED

No need to come to Concord today. If you want to do something, please call the Governor and ask him not to take the Federal $3 Million:

On a possibly(?) unrelated note, John Sensenbrenner, who sponsored the Federal Real-ID Act, will be in Concord tomorrow, ostensibly talking about "immigration". Details will be posted once they're known.

Pat McCotter

First, it is James Sensenbrenner. Second, here are details from Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition.

Sensenbrenner and Congressional Hearing coming to NH
8/ 9/2006 11:24 am - Leadership from the US House of Representatives has been traveling the country in recent months - mostly to Border States and states like NH, who have demonstrated some anti-immigrant sentiment ? to hold hearings. Instead of providing an open public debate on immigration policy reform, these hearings have simply been a forum for one-sided rhetoric.
Congressman James Sensenbrenner is coming to New England!!!

Leadership from the US House of Representatives has been traveling the country in recent months - mostly to Border States and states like NH, who have demonstrated some anti-immigrant sentiment ? to hold hearings. Instead of providing an open public debate on immigration policy reform, these hearings have simply been a forum for one-sided rhetoric.

The House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing in Concord, NH on Thursday, August 24 at 10 AM at the NH State House (Representatives Hall), in Concord. The topic of the hearing is ?How do illegal immigrants impact the costs of healthcare, local education, and other social services, and would these costs increase under Reid-Kennedy bill?? and ?What is the societal impact of the Reid-Kennedy bill?s grant of amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants?

We all need to be there to make sure the public hears the reality of our broken immigration system ? not just the people the committee hand-picks to speak.

Here is how you can participate:

1) Attend the press conference on Wednesday, August 23, at 11:00 AM in the lobby of the Legislative Office Building (LOB) behind the statehouse in Concord. We want to make sure the media knows what is going on the following day. Show your support for a decent immigration system.

2) Join the rally on August 24th on the steps of the NH State House (Concord) from 9:00 ? 11:00 AM. We will gather at 9:00 AM and we'll have a series of speakers addressing the positive contributions immigrants make to our communities. Join us, hold a sign and demonstrate that New Hampshire and New England people support the human rights of all of our states' residents.

If you have any questions, please contact Marcony Almeida at MIRA (617) 350-5480, ext. 205 - malmeida@miracoalition.org OR Chris Collier at NH Citizens Alliance - collier@nhcitizensalliance.org.


Thank you so much, Pat!!! You are awesome. But you knew that :D

Unfortunately I have to be chained to my computer tomorrow morning... paying customers $$$
But, I've posted this on the Calendar, and am about to post on some Yahoo groups, if nobody else has already.
Thanks again.....!

Michael Fisher

SENSENBRENNER ( :evil: :angry4: :evil4: :angry1: :evil6: ) IS COMING TO NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!

This is terrible news.

Michael Fisher

Michael Fisher



Congress comes to NH for hearing

The Associated Press

Concord ? Immigrant groups protested and Democrats cried foul, but Wisconsin Republican Jim Sensenbrenner was unapologetic yesterday about taking the House Judiciary Committee on the road for an after-the-fact hearing on immigration reform.

Sensenbrenner, chairman of the committee, is leading the charge against a bipartisan Senate-passed immigration bill that would give millions of undocumented immigrants a chance to earn American citizenship. As the architect of a competing House-passed bill, he has been holding committee hearings across the country to emphasize the need for stricter border enforcement and penalizing employers who hire illegal aliens.

But Democrats and immigrant groups have questioned the need to hold hearings since both bills already have passed and await negotiations -- in which Sensenbrenner plays a lead role -- to hammer out a compromise. They criticized the hearings as political tactics to delay negotiations during an election year.

"House Republicans have changed a serious debate on immigration into a partisan game by holding public hearings around the country that are biased in both their design and intention," said Rep. Martin Meehan, D-Mass., a committee member.

"These hearings serve no purpose beyond vilifying hardworking immigrants."

Sensenbrenner disagreed.

"I think that this was a tremendously useful hearing," he said afterward. "I have no apologies in putting the issue of control of illegal immigration on the national agenda."

Asked why New Hampshire -- which has few immigrants -- was picked over Massachusetts to host a New England hearing, Sensenbrenner said he was invited by New Hampshire Rep. Charles Bass, a fellow Republican. Besides that, immigrants weren't his target audience, he said.

"I don't think that the purpose of the hearings is necessarily to have immigrants turn out," he said. "It is to get input from local people," he said, referring to the invited witnesses.

As in past events, yesterday's hearing took testimony from five preselected witnesses -- three of whom had local ties -- who had been invited to speak on the fairness, fiscal effects and legal impact of the Senate bill.

Peter Gadiel, of Kent, Conn., president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, said providing illegal immigrants with a means to obtain legal status would unfairly reward them for breaking the law.

"The Senate calls this idea 'a path to legalization,' but to everyone else it's a discrimination," he said.

But John Young of New Boston, co-chairman of Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform, compared inaction on immigration reform to a dam about to burst.

"If we provide better legal channels that are in our own economic interest, and we find a way for those here undocumented to become legal, we will have released that pressure," he said.

Young, who supports the Senate bill, was the only invited witness who also spoke at an immigrants rally before the hearing, where about 30 activists held signs reading "Give us a chance," and "We Pay Taxes Too!"

"This hearing is totally stupid," said Eva Castillo, a member of the Immigrants Rights Task Force, who used her bullhorn to shout slogans across the street to the Statehouse. "Let's make those representatives hear us!"