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Started by Kat Kanning, March 01, 2005, 10:59 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

The NHLA Board of Directors would like to let you know about some
exciting new developments and opportunities in our fight to strengthen
the pro-liberty culture of New Hampshire. We plan on communicating in
this fashion with you on a regular basis. We thank you for your past
support and activism and look forward to what our increasing
organization can accomplish!

Local Elections
Find some time to help pro-liberty candidates to get elected to local
office on March 8. People to hold signs at the polling stations and
hand out literature are always needed to help.  It's fun and easy, and
makes a difference.  If you'd like to help, you can do so by making a
donation to our PAC account (use the Click&Pledge link on the website),
and/or volunteering to work the polls or other campaign activities.

For more info, email elections@nhliberty.org right now.

The following candidates are supported by the NHLA for March 8th
Philip Hodson, town council in Bedford
Karen Pratt, school board in Goffstown
Cal Pratt, library trustee in Goffstown
Dawn Lincoln, budget committee in Winchester
Bill Campbell, school board in Winchester
Don Gorman, school board in Deerfield

Also this warrant article:
Milford  - warrant article to privatize the town ambulance service

Town write-in campaigns:
It's too late to get on the ballot in your upcoming town election, but
you may still be able to win anyway!  Contact your Town Clerk to
find out if there are any positions which no one has filed for.  A
simple write-in campaign can win you a seat and a voice on how your
town government operates.

New Website
We have a new website! Our newly redesigned site is still at
If you used the old site, your old login/password won't
work, but you'll get a new account right away when you sign up.
Please visit our website, for the most current news and discussions.

Legislation Review
Our legislative review is moving along. We're reaching the half-way
point and the sooner we can complete the initial review of legislation,
the sooner we can get to making up our list of tracked bills and
preparing testimony. Dawn Lincoln is coordinating this work, you can reach her
at billreviews@nhliberty.org

Legislative Field Trips
Don Gorman, our Political Director has held 3 very successful field
trips to the State House so far.  The next will be held on March 10th.
If you are interested in attending, contact fieldtrip@nhliberty.org

Don will teach you how the system works, how to speak in front of a
committee, read legislators' body language, and otherwise coach you in
dozens of ways so that you can become an effective voice of liberty.
We strongly encourage you to take these free seminars even if you
aren't planning on testifying any time soon, since you'll learn how the NH
Legislative system works from top to bottom.

Keith Murphy, our legislative coordinator, is always looking for
experts in any field to testify on bills, and attending this class is the
first step toward that.

Another NHLA sponsored project is http://www.generalcourt.org
Through GeneralCourt.org, the NHLA provides information to everyone on
pending legislation and elected officials, and provides guidance on
many of those bills.

We hope that GeneralCourt.org will become a valuable resource for both
New Hampshire's elected officials and concerned citizens, and it will
be continually expanded and improved to better serve their needs.

NHLA Business
We'll be having an election for our Director of Political Action. Any
NHLA member is eligible to run for a directorship. The current term
ends at the end of March, so we will be collecting nominations until our
March board meeting (the 6th) and then send out ballots due back before
the end of the month.  Please send nominations to chair@nhliberty.org

Announcing the 2005 Liberty Dinner!
The 2005 Liberty Dinner, the premiere political event of the summer,
will be held from six to nine on the evening of Saturday, July 30, at
Plymouth State University's Prospect Hall. The evening will include: Dr.
Ron Paul (Republican Congressman from Texas), Mr. Jack Cole (Executive
Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), presentation of the
2005 Legislator of the Year Award, and the release of the 2005
Legislative Report Card.

Tickets for the Liberty Dinner are available at the following prices:
Adult Tickets are $60, Child Tickets (under 14) are $30,
Whole-Table Tickets (six people) are $240.

For more information and to sign up,

Phone Tree, email alerts, and other ways to get in touch... we're
working on them all.

If you want to be part of the phone tree, email phonetree@nhliberty.org
We'll use it only for very important items, but reaching as many of our
members as possible when we do need to use it is critical.

We'll have a survey ready soon, asking you questions to help us better
gauge our membership and resources.

You'll be able to sign up for email alerts on our website soon,
and you can already subscribe and be emailed when new items are posted.

Invite your friends and neighbors
Do you know people who are supporters of liberty and would make good
members of NHLA? If so, please contact our membership director at
membership@nhliberty.org and they will be sent a personal invitation
to join, or visit http://www.nhliberty.org/tellafriend

Russell Kanning

It is cool to see they are doing more updates. I like the new site and the generalcourt.org site 8)