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An interesting PDF about how drivers licenses will be changing.

Started by mraaron, September 19, 2006, 05:40 PM NHFT

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  I was on the AAMVA website, its a site for motor vehicle department administrators.  They had a PDF file that is very telling. Give it a minute to load.

   The important part is the secretive nature of the document.

QuoteB.4.5 Covert features
Although this annex deals mainly with security features that help officials to detect counterfeiting and fraudulent
alteration of cards, there is another class of security features that are covert (secret) features, designed to be
authenticated either by forensic examination or by specialist verification equipment. It is evident that knowledge
of the precise substance and structure of such features must be restricted to very few people on a "need to know"
basis. The purpose of these features is to enable authentication of cards where unequivocal proof of authenticity
is a requirement (e.g. in a Court of Law). DL/ID cards shall contain at least one covert level 3 security feature.
The feature must have absolute consistency of characteristics, be difficult to discover, be invisible to the human
eye, and require special equipment and training not commonly available in order to discover. The issuing
jurisdiction must insure that information about the covert feature is not made part of public record.
about the covert feature should be known to the absolute minimum number of people, but should be shared with
law enforcement laboratories that are accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD)
and/or ISO 9000.[/quote

   Page 51 or thereabouts, discusses "tagging", and judging the use of "electromagnetic means" I guess they mean RFID.
If the document can use fingerprinting or facial recognition, why would they need this "covert" item?  You could still
get a false ID by bribing a DMV official, if they had or could buy sufficient access to the system.


Is it just me that can't load PDF files? :(

The excerpt, though, is more than enough to reaffirm the propriety of eschewing drivers' licenses, either by non-renewal, or never getting one in the first place.

Happily DWAL for nearly 3 1/2 years!