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Gun-control advocates target New Hampshire mayors!

Started by Infohunter, October 09, 2006, 11:10 PM NHFT

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I have visited the Free State Project website on a number of occasions this past year.  I must say I admire and approve of their goal of achieving "Liberty in Our Lifetime" in the State of New Hampshire.
As a subscriber to the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action email alert bulletin, I came across this item of interest the other day:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, are personally contacting every mayor in New Hampshire asking them to sign onto Mayor Bloomberg's New York-style gun control agenda.  Please call your Mayor and find out if he/she has received such a call, then, discourage your mayor from signing onto this outrageous attack on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Then, please call the Gun Owners of New Hampshire at (603) 225-4664, and let them know whether or not your Mayor received that call.  The following online links will help you find the contact information for your Mayor:  www.newhampshire.com/nh-towns/rochester.aspx, www.directorynh.com/NHCities-Towns/NHCities&Towns.html, and www.nh.gov/municipal/index.html.  Citizens throughout New Hampshire are counting on you to contact your Mayor TODAY!

Now I have to wonder:  Why are New Hampshire cities specifically being targeted for this effort?  Why no other New England States?  Why no other Northeastern States, period?  Could Messrs. Bloomberg and Menino be afraid of what might come of the "Liberty in Our Lifetime" movement?
While I do find a certain satisfaction in thinking that such statists may fear the Free State Project's potential to undo their "successes" to date, I nevertheless think that this is cause for some concern.  Please consider this an alert to all members and friends of the Free State Project inside and outside of New Hampshire, so that they might counter this anti-freedom effort of Messrs. Bloomberg and Menino.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may this movement sweep the country!


Quote from: Infohunter on October 09, 2006, 11:10 PM NHFT

I have visited the Free State Project website on a number of occasions this past year.  I must say I admire and approve of their goal of achieving "Liberty in Our Lifetime" in the State of New Hampshire.
As a subscriber to the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action email alert bulletin, I came across this item of interest the other day:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, are personally contacting every mayor in New Hampshire asking them to sign onto Mayor Bloomberg's New York-style gun control agenda.  Please call your Mayor and find out if he/she has received such a call, then, discourage your mayor from signing onto this outrageous attack on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Then, please call the Gun Owners of New Hampshire at (603) 225-4664, and let them know whether or not your Mayor received that call.  The following online links will help you find the contact information for your Mayor:  www.newhampshire.com/nh-towns/rochester.aspx, www.directorynh.com/NHCities-Towns/NHCities&Towns.html, and www.nh.gov/municipal/index.html.  Citizens throughout New Hampshire are counting on you to contact your Mayor TODAY!

Now I have to wonder:  Why are New Hampshire cities specifically being targeted for this effort?  Why no other New England States?  Why no other Northeastern States, period?  Could Messrs. Bloomberg and Menino be afraid of what might come of the "Liberty in Our Lifetime" movement?
While I do find a certain satisfaction in thinking that such statists may fear the Free State Project's potential to undo their "successes" to date, I nevertheless think that this is cause for some concern.  Please consider this an alert to all members and friends of the Free State Project inside and outside of New Hampshire, so that they might counter this anti-freedom effort of Messrs. Bloomberg and Menino.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may this movement sweep the country!

I doubt this will matter. NH has strong 2nd amendment laws and they will not be influenced by the likes of Menino or Bloomberg!

Fluff and Stuff

The mayors in NH have no direct power over gun laws.  Some of the cops can be  >:D s, though!

Thanks for the tip.  I'd call my mayor if I was up there.


Quote from: Keith and Stuff on October 09, 2006, 11:45 PM NHFT
The mayors in NH have no direct power over gun laws.  Some of the cops can be  >:D s, though!

Thanks for the tip.  I'd call my mayor if I was up there.

Keith is right. They cannot refuse to issue you a CC license.
NH has the lowest crime rate of any state just about, and almost the most liberal gun laws. So there would be no reason to deviate from this.

Ruger Mason

New Hampshire is a preemption state.  A law was passed I believe in 2004 that expressly forbids municipalities from banning guns.

I know Manchester, for example, has an ordinance on the books that "bans" any kind of weapon from school facilities and most parks.  But because of preemption, the ordinance is null and void.


An important thing to keep in mind: there are thousands of laws.  There is no practicle way to enforce them all because there is no practicle way to remember them all. 
The constitutions of the state and feds, are pieces of paper. 
This is the greatest weapon that the gun grabbers have second only to emotion.  It is one of the chief reasons that I am not at all confident that the right of self defence will be protected.  Our guns will not defend us from the gov't. 
When convieniant, the feds will trample 'states rights' anytime they have a 'compelling reason'.  And the states when convieniant will trample our rights any time they also have a compelling reason. 


The idea of some person not living in my area, or especially my state calling in and trying to influence local government officials really upsets me.   What right do they have to make changes in how I live here.  They are elected officials of there cities and they were elected to run just their city. 
People from another area trying to influence locals just upsets me very much.  Every time I watch a local station I get commercials personally attacking one canidate for Congress, paid for by a major party committee.  If we dont like the guy, I think we can vote for another on our own, ty very much.


1) New Hampshire has like 6 or 7 mayors
2) They can't do anything about gun laws


Greeting everyone.  I'm new to the Forum.  I was about to post this same information until I found this thread.

I see a lot of posts basically saying "can't happen here."  NEVER SAY NEVER!!  Look at England & Austrailia.  Heck, look at California, NY & MA.   I'm formerly from upstate NY and we never thought that NYC would have much of an impact on statewide gun laws but we were dead wrong!  I live in Oklahoma now.  We have excellent gun freedoms but the anti-gunners are moving in fast.  Just this past year Conoco/Phillips 66  filed an injunction to stop a recently passed law that allows citizens of Oklahoma to keep firearms securely locked in their vehicles while parked in a public parking lot.  This law came about because of a number of employees being fired at a rural Oklahoma company for having guns locked in their cars while parked in the company parking lot. (This is rural Oklahoma...gun racks are as common as mud flaps!)  So the law passes and now a major oil company is keeping that law from being applied!!!

NEVER underestimate the anti-gun movement in this country and the world.  Even the U.N. is trying to take away our gun rights!

I plan to move to Berlin, NH in the next few years.  I hope the name "Mayor Bloomberg" will be a distant
memory by then.

I don't claim to know how things work in NH but I would NEVER underestimate the "forces of evil" that unrelentingly chip away at our freedoms on a daily basis.

Best Regards,
"Take your freedoms for granted and one day you will wake up in chains"

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Wasper on October 18, 2006, 11:45 AM NHFT
Greeting everyone.  I'm new to the Forum.  I was about to post this same information until I found this thread.

I see a lot of posts basically saying "can't happen here."  NEVER SAY NEVER!!  Look at England & Austrailia.  Heck, look at California, NY & MA.   I'm formerly from upstate NY and we never thought that NYC would have much of an impact on statewide gun laws but we were dead wrong!  I live in Oklahoma now.  We have excellent gun freedoms but the anti-gunners are moving in fast.  Just this past year Conoco/Phillips 66  filed an injunction to stop a recently passed law that allows citizens of Oklahoma to keep firearms securely locked in their vehicles while parked in a public parking lot.  This law came about because of a number of employees being fired at a rural Oklahoma company for having guns locked in their cars while parked in the company parking lot. (This is rural Oklahoma...gun racks are as common as mud flaps!)  So the law passes and now a major oil company is keeping that law from being applied!!!

NEVER underestimate the anti-gun movement in this country and the world.  Even the U.N. is trying to take away our gun rights!

I plan to move to Berlin, NH in the next few years.  I hope the name "Mayor Bloomberg" will be a distant
memory by then.

I don't claim to know how things work in NH but I would NEVER underestimate the "forces of evil" that unrelentingly chip away at our freedoms on a daily basis.

Best Regards,
"Take your freedoms for granted and one day you will wake up in chains"

Thank Wasper, I agree.

Whether its gun rights, TAXES, property rights, voter fraud or open government, if you don't stay awake and active you WILL LOSE your rights to those who are busy figuring out ways to take them away. (And thanks to voter fraud, we have a lot of those here)


Man would I love to be one of those mayors getting that call.  I'd simply ask whoever it was making the call to let me know when their crime rate hits ours... THEN we can talk.  Until then maybe they should be ASKING for advice rather then GIVING it.