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This is interesting

Started by Kat Kanning, March 07, 2005, 03:29 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


According to them, someone's trying to have the planning board in Grafton abolished.  Cool.  :)

Lloyd Danforth

It looks as though everybody that has ever smiled at a libertarian in NH is named, but, not the guy with the website!  Aren't those images someone's property?

Russell Kanning

Yea I like to link to photos or point people to them. I can't imagine copying and posting a photo of someone I was trying to redicule.

Russell Kanning

Boy that lady is only "Save Grafton" her opponents are a whole "Committee to Save Grafton". :)

Whoever the freedom fighters are in Grafton that don't want planning/zoning/boards etc.....they sould join us at NHfree since they are trying to keep their little corner of NH free. 8) I would think that they are upholding the traditions of Grafton from it's inception. I bet they didn't have a "planning board" the very first day.

Russell Kanning

"That way no one fights with their neighbors"
Planning boards fix that problem?....I thought people just used planning boards to fight with their neighbors


Quote from: russellkanning on March 19, 2005, 04:05 PM NHFT
"That way no one fights with their neighbors"
Planning boards fix that problem?....I thought people just used planning boards to fight with their neighbors

You beat me to it. I was going to say, "Instead of fighting with their neighbors, they have to fight the government."

So instead of working it out with someone on equal footing, residents have to slug it out against people with the power to arrest them.

Yeah. That's much better.


Russell Kanning

or even use the government power to fight their neighbors.....you don't like your neighbor?....just turn them into the government for some violation >:D

Russell Kanning

I lived in a town in WY that had no building codes/no planning board/no zoning ....people didn't fight with each other there. Every town in NH used to not have a planning board....I am quite sure they were better off then:)