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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property tax rebellion in Nashua?

Started by Dave Ridley, December 19, 2006, 10:11 PM NHFT

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Quotewhen you go to these meetings do you raise your hand and have to have something like a list of why we don't want property taxes raised?  Could I find out when the meetings are and go around the neighborhood and talk people into showing up and speaking out against the property tax raise?

welcome to the difference between classical liberalism (leave me alone) and civic republicanism (local control) as it plays out in town hall meetings throughout small town NE.

you will get to act as your own "citizen" legislator which includes lobbying your fellow neighbors prior to the meeting and engage in a deliberative session with your neighbors during the meeting.


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 07, 2007, 04:37 PM NHFTHow can I find out when these meetings are held, do they have a name for it like tax meetings or something?  My gosh I can't believe more people don't show up and speak out against property tax and why in the world would 70 people vote to raise taxes, they have to pay more too, right?  Sorry I'm full of questions again; when you go to these meetings do you raise your hand and have to have something like a list of why we don't want property taxes raised?  Could I find out when the meetings are and go around the neighborhood and talk people into showing up and speaking out against the property tax raise? 

This remember is not your federal tax form, this is your NH local town meeting.

In Campton, your town website will have notices of budget meetings here: http://www.camptonnh.org/

You find out what the budget is going to be then rally support to FAIL it if it contains too much spending.
You can have a 'default' budget year after year like Epsom does, if you don't like what's in the new budget.
If there are warrant articles proposed to spend money on this or that, you can study those ahead of time, debate them at deliberative sessions or town meetings and then garner support for voting NO on them if necessary.

The meetings in Campton seem to be listed on a very well organized website on the RIGHT where there is a calendar.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and when you get more familiar, make use of the 91-A form to request to see contracts or anything else you are investigating.

They will post dates for when your meetings/delibertive (discussion) sessions are to be held in the spring.
Keep your ears and eyes open by reading the local paper for issues, especially these wackos who are going to try to pass a law to prevent candidates from taking the no income/sales tax pledge....geesh.

Comb the town website for all the information they give you, a little bit every day. And again, DON'T be afraid to call up and ask them. They are there to help you.
Be nice, be calm and you will get what you want...eventually you will own the place because there are few people willing to do this. The more people we can get to do this kind
of activism in the towns the more we can lower the taxes.

See if Campton has a taxpayer group, if not, think about starting one! CNHT will put up your website for you, like the one in Hopkinton or Dover...etc..


Quote from: Dreepa on December 19, 2006, 11:10 PM NHFT
they might want to replace it with another 'fairer' tax!

I don't know what Franks' message said but anyone selling the myth that they can 'end' property taxes is USUALLY advocating for a sales/income tax!


Quote from: CNHT on January 07, 2007, 05:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on December 19, 2006, 11:10 PM NHFT
they might want to replace it with another 'fairer' tax!

I don't know what Franks' message said but anyone selling the myth that they can 'end' property taxes is USUALLY advocating for a sales/income tax!

I don't advocate sales or income tax as wages are absolute private property just as I advocate that the property tax shift taxation off of capital (buildings) for the same reason and onto the socially created unimproved land values to uphold the absolute right to self-ownership.


Quote from: d_goddard on December 20, 2006, 08:11 AM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on December 19, 2006, 10:11 PM NHFT
The Nashua Taxfighters will be meeting Jan 4, 18, and 25 in the
Auditorium (3rd floor) Nashua City Hall (7 pm) with the single purpose
of ending property taxes for anyone who no longer wishes to pay them.
There is a 90% chance I'll come to at least one of these meetings, to:
a) listen
b) pass out Liberty Forum tri-folds (these are people who should definitely hook up with taxpayer activists at the Forum, and other pro-freedom groups)
c) pass out NHLA tri-folds
d) tell 'em hey have friends over at nhfree.com :)

As I said, be careful these are not Asselin types or others who think sales and income tax will lower property taxes. (They won't)

If it's Andy Templeman, he's already lost everything he had to the gov't. He's been around a long time and CNHT know him.
There are a few others we know who lost their homes to the government too.
I would not recommend the Templeman approach.



6:00 pm Planning Board
7:30 pm Work session
Old Town Hall         

6:00 pm Planning Board
7:30 pm Reg session

6:00 pm   Conservation
Town Office
7:30 pm       

I looked at the site and here are the meeting's names for Jan and Feb. so how do I know what ones are about taxes?  I guess if I call them they will tell me?  I also signed up for local meetings to be emailed to me and if I don't understand what they are talking about can I ask you?  Thank you for the website and info.  I will call and see if they have a taxpayer group (what is that?) during the week and let you know if Campton has one but do you think I know enough to start one?  Is there a book or website that will teach me?
I am finally quitting smoking I was supposed to quit a few weeks ago and chickened out but I'm ready now so I will probraly be out of commision for a couple days (grouchy until the nicotine is gone from my system).  I have 1 cigarette left then bye bye forever this time! :D


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 07, 2007, 05:38 PM NHFT

6:00 pm Planning Board
7:30 pm Work session
Old Town Hall         

6:00 pm Planning Board
7:30 pm Reg session

6:00 pm   Conservation
Town Office
7:30 pm       

I looked at the site and here are the meeting's names for Jan and Feb. so how do I know what ones are about taxes?  I guess if I call them they will tell me?  I also signed up for local meetings to be emailed to me and if I don't understand what they are talking about can I ask you?  Thank you for the website and info.  I will call and see if they have a taxpayer group (what is that?) during the week and let you know if Campton has one but do you think I know enough to start one?  Is there a book or website that will teach me?
I am finally quitting smoking I was supposed to quit a few weeks ago and chickened out but I'm ready now so I will probraly be out of commision for a couple days (grouchy until the nicotine is gone from my system).  I have 1 cigarette left then bye bye forever this time! :D

Usually they have agendas for these meetings -- if the subject doesn't interest you or is not related to what you are concerned about don't bother.
One piece of advice, if you don't know what things are about, best to listen first, a LOT. If there is a Q and A session then you can ask...take a pad of paper with you to write them down.

They advertise themselves as a 'friendly' town so you don't want to alienate people so that when it comes time to invite them to a group to 'fight' this or that new spending scheme, you will have allies.

They even have a question form via email so they do seem more friendly than most towns..


Here are the minutes of the December meeting. They are much more organized than most towns! You can read what goes on in this file.
Most of this is boring stuff, but if perhaps you wanted to publicly discuss an issue you would ask to be placed on the agenda.


See for example this entry?

"The Board met next with Plymouth Fire Chief Brian Thibeault. Campton Thornton Fire Chief
David Tobine was in attendance as well. Chief Thibeault came to discuss the new proposed
contract for ambulance service, and to explain the changes that will be occurring the first of

It might mean an increase in the money SPENT. If this has not already been voted on, it might be on the ballot in the spring (I did not read the whole file)

As for writing the book on taxpayer groups, CNHT 'wrote the book'.

If you want to see a model group, just go here:





Thank you!  I think I've got it now and I will read up on the links you wrote.   :D


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 07, 2007, 05:53 PM NHFT
Thank you!  I think I've got it now and I will read up on the links you wrote.   :D

I didn't see agendas but you could look around more. That will tell you WHAT they are planning on discussing at these meetings.
But at the very least you will see what goes on from the MINUTES they seem to be good about posting.

It seems efficient, friendly, easy to use site, so that's a plus. And I'm sure if you have a question that you would want to ask by calling they would be helpful over the phone.

WOW I just found this:


These are the signers AGAINST the UN's 1994 Convention on Biological Diversity (Treaty DOC 103-20) Treaty!
Included in the list are a group from your town:
New Hampshire Landowners Alliance, Campton, NH

It's stuff like that where you can recruit anit-UN, pro-property owners, anti-tax allies.

So when I looked into that group I found this:

"WESTERVELT: Buchanan's tough talk resonates with New Hampshire voters like Cheryl Johnson, who runs her small printing business in the tiny town of Campton, nestled at the base of the White Mountain National Forest. Johnson is President of the New Hampshire Landowners Alliance, a local property rights group, and Vice President of the Alliance for America, part of the national Wise Use Movement that opposes environmental regulations. She says in 1992 Alliance members were on the front lines in Buchanan's army of campaign volunteers. And they are again this year.

JOHNSON: Attending rallies, putting up signs, bumper stickers, the whole works. I think he was an advocate for Wise Use issues before there was a Wise Use Movement; that is Pat Buchanan's nature. I think that he has, he's always been in that direction, because he's in favor of a limited government which is really what it comes down to."

Sounds like this Johnson woman takes no bull from the gov't. Aint technology grand when you can find fellow activists just like that without moving your butt from  your comfy seat in your house?

The internet is wonderful for that!

Additionally I see this group listed on this page: http://www.nationalcenter.org/GreenPages897.html
I associate 'greenie' with that page, but this group from Campton seems to be more pro-landowner. The green page assumes they are conservationists not freedom lovers.

AHA!! Bingo! I find that Cheryl was once a greenie, but now is what we call a liberal who has been mugged...

"Cheryl Johnson admits that "at one time or another I have belonged or contributed to just about every environmental group you can name." That ended in 1991, when she led a successful fight to protect landowners along the Pemigewasset River near her home in Campton, New Hampshire. The National Park Service was determined to give the river a "wild and scenic" designation, which would rob residents of the right to develop their land. In the process she helped found the New Hampshire Landowners Alliance, Inc."
