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Has anyone ever heard of or read this book?

Started by Raineyrocks, March 05, 2007, 03:11 PM NHFT

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Shadow Over the Land by Jarret B. Wollstein?

It's about the government's war on our liberty and how to protect yourself and fight back.  If you don't have the book and want to ask specific questions I could look in my copy of this book and see what/if there are any answers.  :) (damn smiley worked now).

I also have When Technology Fails by Matthew Stein if anyone has any questions about that kind of stuff. 

Lloyd Danforth

I read an early book by Wollstein. 'Society Without Coercion'


Unless I'm thinking of someone else, he is a good person, and has written for lewrockwell.com

Lloyd Danforth

Nicholas Gilman

   I remember the title "When Technology Fails" on my desk.  Good book.


Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on March 06, 2007, 11:11 PM NHFT
   I remember the title "When Technology Fails" on my desk.  Good book.

I love this book too, it has so much information in it. 


Lloyd Danforth

International Society for Individual Liberty.  Used to be just SIL.  I don't know why they went international when it wasn't catching on in the US.


Quote from: Lloyd 'Posterboy' Danforth on March 07, 2007, 07:12 AM NHFT
International Society for Individual Liberty.  Used to be just SIL.  I don't know why they went international when it wasn't catching on in the US.


Lloyd Danforth

I find abebooks.com a handy site for researching  most books and authors.  Here is a page. You have to sift among the other Wollsteins.



Quote from: Lloyd 'Posterboy' Danforth on March 07, 2007, 08:19 AM NHFT
I find abebooks.com a handy site for researching  most books and authors.  Here is a page. You have to sift among the other Wollsteins.

Shadow Over the Land
Wollstein, Jarret 
Bookseller: Renaissance Books
(Riverside, CA, U.S.A.) Price: US$ 35.00
[Convert Currency]
Quantity: 1  Shipping within U.S.A.:
US$ 3.00
[Rates & Speeds]   

Book Description: Lafayette, California: PMG Press, 2004, Lafayette, California, 2004. Soft Cover. Book Condition: New Book. Second Edition. 8.5x11. Soft Cover. New Book. Second Edition. 8.5x11. "The Government's War on Your Liberty - How to Protect Yourself and Fight Back." Since the 9/11 attack on America, the federal government has responded by expanding its powers to control Americans, and to invade our privacy, our homes and our businesses in order to "investigate" terrorism. This book is a thoroughly documented overview of the government attack on American freedoms, and how you can protect your freedom and privacy. 272 pages, resources, cartoon. Bookseller Inventory # 11430

Wow, my book is worth $35, forget me answering anyone's questions regarding the content of this book, I'm selling it!  Just kidding! :D