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I received a letter from the TSA today!

Started by Insurgent, March 02, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT

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Trucking regulations are mostly national.  I was just referring to the fact that the Free State Project is probably the only chance we have to set an example for the rest of the country.  Eventually.  Maybe he'll move then.

Vote Tyler Stearns

Quote from: error on March 02, 2007, 09:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: B on March 02, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
My step-dad owns a trucking company here in Indiana and he's up all hours of the night battling against government regulations.  Sadly, I can't seem to get through to him how moving to new hampshire and starting fresh could help save his sanity...

Sometimes parents don't like to listen to their children, even when they're right. It helps in this case to point to a disinterested third party.

Like me. Consider this:

QuoteThe Transportation Security Administration is requiring port and maritime workers and truckers to purchase a $159 identity document and undergo a "threat assessment" to provide secured access to seaports, airports and other such facilities, but doesn't yet have the technology to read the cards. . . .

Truckers who drive for large trucking companies will absorb the expense fairly easily, but this is going to squeeze a lot of small firms and owner-operators, who already operate on tight budgets, scrounge for their next load at truckstops, live out of their trucks and don't get home enough.

Just send him over here and I'm sure he'll think New Hampshire looks better and better every day. :)

I listened to my kid...that's why I'm no longer a Democrat, and why I post at nhfree, and why I'm involved in marijuana decrim, and why I went to Liberty Forum, and...well, I could go on and on.  

My advice:  Be persistent, but not a pest.  Speak articulately and with conviction.  Try and back up your talk with statistics/reading material/DVD/radio.  If my 17-year-old could "convert" a 30+-year died-in-the-wool Democrat, then you can do it, too!

Good luck.


Missed you at the Liberty Forum! Missed a lot of people, actually.

Vote Tyler Stearns

I think we should have all turned our LF name tags over and written our nhfree screen names. 

LF was invigorating.  I've been to a number of Democratic gatherings and they are b o r i n g and stale and full of old people (God, to think Dems used to be the cool young hippy types).  From what I understand, the GOP gatherings are the same.  The freestaters know how to throw a party.


osama bin laden must have stock in the backround check company!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Lloyd 'Posterboy' Danforth on March 03, 2007, 07:16 AM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on March 02, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT
. This process prevents the terrorists from getting a job driving a tanker truck and driving it in to a building.

You state it as if you believed it.

Strictly sarcasm, Lloyd!

Russell Kanning

Quote from: B on March 02, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
My step-dad owns a trucking company here in Indiana and he's up all hours of the night battling against government regulations.  Sadly, I can't seem to get through to him how moving to new hampshire and starting fresh could help save his sanity...
It would not change anything at the beginning. He could start fresh where he is at. Starting fresh would be just as painful in either place. :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: B on March 03, 2007, 01:30 PM NHFT
Trucking regulations are mostly national.
almost everything is determined by the us dot. .... but even worse ... when your company drives in all 48 states (and canada), then you also tend to bow down to the lowest common denominator and follow all the worst rules because sometime you will be in that state and have their special paperwork and special laws ... usually California is the offending party, but many of them have their own quirks.
The best we can achieve in The Shire would be to have no special rules or be our own country with no border rules. Either way ... trucks that come and go from here will only be as free as the worst country/state they drive through. We could make internal transportation a dream, but can't help the rest of the world in that way. I could see us being the hub of communication for the world. :)


That Keane place could turn from a small city into a major sprawling metropolis. :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 04, 2007, 03:39 AM NHFT
Quote from: B on March 03, 2007, 01:30 PM NHFT
Trucking regulations are mostly national.
almost everything is determined by the us dot. .... but even worse ... when your company drives in all 48 states (and canada), then you also tend to bow down to the lowest common denominator and follow all the worst rules because sometime you will be in that state and have their special paperwork and special laws ... usually California is the offending party, but many of them have their own quirks.
The best we can achieve in The Shire would be to have no special rules or be our own country with no border rules. Either way ... trucks that come and go from here will only be as free as the worst country/state they drive through. We could make internal transportation a dream, but can't help the rest of the world in that way. I could see us being the hub of communication for the world. :)

You hit the nail on the head, there Russell. While it's a national standard, if NH becomes the state with the least amount of enforcement and fewest enforcers...


Quote from: malevil on March 03, 2007, 01:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on March 02, 2007, 09:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: B on March 02, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
My step-dad owns a trucking company here in Indiana and he's up all hours of the night battling against government regulations.  Sadly, I can't seem to get through to him how moving to new hampshire and starting fresh could help save his sanity...

Sometimes parents don't like to listen to their children, even when they're right. It helps in this case to point to a disinterested third party.

Like me. Consider this:

QuoteThe Transportation Security Administration is requiring port and maritime workers and truckers to purchase a $159 identity document and undergo a "threat assessment" to provide secured access to seaports, airports and other such facilities, but doesn't yet have the technology to read the cards. . . .

Truckers who drive for large trucking companies will absorb the expense fairly easily, but this is going to squeeze a lot of small firms and owner-operators, who already operate on tight budgets, scrounge for their next load at truckstops, live out of their trucks and don't get home enough.

Just send him over here and I'm sure he'll think New Hampshire looks better and better every day. :)

I listened to my kid...that's why I'm no longer a Democrat, and why I post at nhfree, and why I'm involved in marijuana decrim, and why I went to Liberty Forum, and...well, I could go on and on. 

My advice:  Be persistent, but not a pest.  Speak articulately and with conviction.  Try and back up your talk with statistics/reading material/DVD/radio.  If my 17-year-old could "convert" a 30+-year died-in-the-wool Democrat, then you can do it, too!

Good luck.

My parents, diehard Republicans since the 1970s, listened to me, and now they're much more inclined to liberty. (The fact that they're nonreligious and weren't happy with the route the Republican Party was taking, especially in Texas, helped.)


An interesting side-note to this story:

One of my coworkers also applied and was fingerprinted at the same time as me and was told that due to his four felonies (for drug offenses) that he'd likely be denied.

He just got word today that he is, also not deemed a security threat. Another one of my coworkers upon hearing this news, announced that "they don't want to piss anyone off--they just want our money. As long as your name isn't Mohamed, you'll pass!"

Pat McCotter

When I worked for Concord Steam the guy with a domestic violence conviction couldn't get a pass to the Federal building/courthouse in Concord. Neither could those with DWI's.