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Judicial Murderer

Started by Kat Kanning, March 24, 2005, 08:46 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Ah finally a coherent article on the "other" side.



The LewRockwell article by Jacob Hornberger is interesting.  Of course, there is no such thing as the rule of law.  That is a myth.  But the latter bits of the article dealing specifically with the meek lambs, hungry wolves, and our current and rapidly developing state of tyranny was quite intriguing. 

My favorite excerpts: 

Is that what we?ve actually come to in this nation? A nation of meek lambs who permit these power-hungry wolves to once again scoff at and scorn the supreme law of the land ? the law that our ancestors had the wisdom, foresight, and courage to impose on our government servants? A people who meekly permit such servants to trash our form of government under a purported ?pro-life? mindset, a mindset that has sat silent and comatose during the entire time that an estimated 100,000 innocent Iraqi people have had their lives snuffed out by an unconstitutional war that lacked the constitutionally required congressional declaration of war?


Omnipotent government or freedom?

The American people had better decide soon whether they are going to continue letting these power-hungry people in Washington run roughshod over the Constitution, the supreme law of the land that we have imposed on them. Because these people are clearly out of control, and unless reined in by the people, will continue moving our nation down the road to national bankruptcy, omnipotent government, moral and political debauchery, and, of course, tyranny. For if they have now have the power to nullify state court judgments and constitutional provisions simply through the passage of a congressional law, the Constitution, along with all the protections it provides us from tyranny, will for all practical purposes cease to exist.

Not that I agree with all of Mr. Hornberger's premises. 

Lloyd Danforth

This more I hear about the Schiavo case the more I hope I die in my sleep, like, my grandfather, not, screaming and kicking, like, the passengers in his car.

Kat Kanning

Remind me not to ride with Lloyd!

Lloyd Danforth

Oh Yaa! Who got a ticket a couple of weeks ago....endangering the lives of NH citizens? Huh? Huh?

(he asked, tapping the side of his head, muttering, 'knock on wood')

Kat Kanning

 ::)  I'm innocent I tell ya!  It was a setup.

Pat K

Oh was Kat doing a little Mazda Zoom Zoom Zoom and got caught by the revenue patrol. ;D

Scott Roth

Dublin, New Hampshire.  A quaint, quiet place to visit...but only if you're doing the speed limit. 8)
