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Seat belt resource page. Input requested.

Started by CaveDog, April 13, 2007, 09:34 AM NHFT

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I'm working on a web page where I can provide links to articles and information helpful in opposing mandatory adult seat belt laws as well as an FAQ which can assist people in arguing their case against. I hope this can be a useful resource for seat belt law opponents while the bill is still under consideration.

If they don't rush this measure through it may also serve as the basis for a legislative info pack we can disseminate to senators before they vote should this measure clear committee.

If anyone knows links to good articles and info opposing seat belt laws or can suggest questions/answers which should be included in the FAQ section, it would be appreciated.

The current version of the page is at http://home.comcast.net/~nhbelts/.


Feel free to use (and/or link to) any of the info on the NHLA seat belts page, much of which was contributed by denizens of NHFree:
