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Souter's neighbors

Started by HardyMachia, July 25, 2005, 10:53 AM NHFT

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Robin Ilsley, who makes syrup on a family farm about two miles from Souter's place, said the justice brought the controversy on himself. "It was a pretty stupid ruling," she said.

Her mother watched Souter grow up but is unsympathetic. "I like David very much, but I don't like his ideas," said Winnie Ilsley, 77, who runs a doll museum at her farm. "I just don't think it's fair," she said of the court's "takings" decision.

It also quotes Clements. Clements is a FSP member? If so and if the Lost Liberty Hotel was his idea then someone should send a letter to the editor into the Washington Post connecting him to the movement.



counter-warrant petition

You mean a warrant to make all emminent domain illegal, so Souter's property doesn't get taken?

That's good.



It was passed in Hampton?

That's good :)


Michael Fisher

Quote from: freedominnh on August 05, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Was mowing the lawn on Freedom Inn in Weare today.? ?Spoke to my neighbor who owns Framer's Market? in Bedford across from Macy's.? I asked him how he felt about a citizen petition to allow Souter's property to be taken by ED.? He felt the whole Clements affair was a bad joke and in extremely bad taste.? Our properties are not far from the Souter property.? Enough said, hope this one is already yesterday's news.

There are places in New Hampshire where people like Clements would be pulling buckshot out of their wazoo for along time.? ?I will have the signatures I need for a counter-warrant petition.

WOOHOO!!!   8) :o :) ^-^


I think EVERYBODY can agree that Emminent domain is bad.

And that if both of these get put on. The debate and dialog between the two camps, would keep the Souter one from passing. I mean. Who would vote to take Souter's property and NOT vote to support the other Warrant? That would definitely show the only goal as being vengence.

If both pass, then the warrant to take Souters property is invalid right?

If only one passes, I'm sure it would be the Anti-emminent Domain one.

See, Mike. I don't see any problem, with voting on a warrant article that makes emminent domain illegal. That's a self defensive vote. I can understand being against voting in ellections because you don't believe anybody should have that kind of power. But voting in warrants to repeal taxes, or laws, or bind the current government structure more. I don't understand why even an anarchist would be against that.



Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on August 05, 2005, 11:40 PM NHFT
See, Mike. I don't see any problem, with voting on a warrant article that makes emminent domain illegal. That's a self defensive vote. I can understand being against voting in ellections because you don't believe anybody should have that kind of power. But voting in warrants to repeal taxes, or laws, or bind the current government structure more. I don't understand why even an anarchist would be against that.

You can definitely vote if you want.? I will not hold it against you.

I do not vote because, even in this example, the government cannot be permanently "bound" or restricted in any way.? In my view, voting for or against a warrant article for any reason will only express your support for mobocracy.

Even if the warrant article said "this warrant article will eliminate the government", I would not vote for it.? It would surely be a trick to gain more support for mobocracy.

I would rather die than express support for, or allegiance to, the government.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: freedominnh on August 05, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Was mowing the lawn on Freedom Inn in Weare today.? ?Spoke to my neighbor who owns Framer's Market? in Bedford across from Macy's.? I asked him how he felt about a citizen petition to allow Souter's property to be taken by ED.? He felt the whole Clements affair was a bad joke and in extremely bad taste.? Our properties are not far from the Souter property.? Enough said, hope this one is already yesterday's news.

There are places in New Hampshire where people like Clements would be pulling buckshot out of their wazoo for along time.? ?I will have the signatures I need for a counter-warrant petition.

This warrant article may stop Clements' hotel plans, but do not forget about CNHT's plans to take Souter's home for a public park.  The warrant article must be worded to severely restrict the use of eminent domain in all instances.  Severely restricting its use with the requirement of a vast supermajority's approval may be effective for the time being.