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Just in case, you never know ......................

Started by Raineyrocks, April 26, 2007, 12:23 PM NHFT

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How to prepare for alien invasion
Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:03AM EDT

By Scott Hillis

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When the aliens finally invade Earth, you may wish you had listened to Travis Taylor and Bob Boan.

And if the invasion follows the plot of a typical Hollywood blockbuster, they might also be the guys called in at the last minute to save the day.

After all, they have written "An Introduction to Planetary Defense", a primer on how humanity can defend itself if little green men wielding death rays show up at our cosmic doorstep.

And yes, they're serious.

"The probability really is there that aliens exist and are old enough to have technology to enable them to come here," Taylor said in an interview.

Taylor and Boan are hardly basement-dwelling paranoids obsessed with tinfoil hats and Area 51. Taylor holds advanced degrees in astronomy and physics, and is an associate at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. He and Boan have done consulting work for the Defense Department and the U.S. space agency NASA.

But their views have won few audiences outside of science fiction conventions, and their book is published by BrownWalker Press, which specializes in fringe topics and books with titles like "The Science and Lore of the Plant Cell Wall" and "ESP and Psychokinesis".  Continued...

Here's the link for the rest:  http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0934498720070425?pageNumber=3