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Manufacturing business? I have equipment, but need space.

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, May 14, 2007, 03:40 PM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

I have some machines and tooling, but they are in the cramped and slightly damp quarters of my basement.  I got an offer of a full size milling machine and full size lathe, but I think I might have difficulty getting them into my basement.  Also, I'm (renting) in a residential zone, so starting a manufacturing business here would be difficult at best.  I was thinking that maybe there might be someone who has a business in a larger space than they need or have a barn or large garage that is in an unzoned area who might like the ability to have custom parts fabricated for a fraction of the cost of paying a regular shop to do it.  If I'm going to get the full size machines, I will most likely need at least the space that a car would take in a garage.  I would like to get a manufacturing FFL and then a SOT so that I can make NFA items.  That would be nearly impossible where I am now.  If anyone (preferably in or near Strafford County) has space they could rent or would like to discuss a possible partnership in a custom manufacturing business, please contact me with ideas & details.  I am open to ideas, suggestions, and negotiation.  Oh yeah, once I figure out where I can put them, I need to figure out how to transport them to NH from MA.  A pickup and trailer should be sufficient.


I'm not quite sure what your talking about but my husband works in a manufacturing facility and I will show him your post tonight and I'm sure he'll understand it and maybe he can help you. :)


Rainey, that Candy Mountain thing is taking over the 'net! NOO! Back to the post, though, look for contacts up in the Berlin area or Nashua. This is just the advice of someone who doesn't live in NH, but the industrial activities I've heard about at least have tended to be in those two areas. Take my advice w/ a large grain of salt- or don't take it at all, it's up to you ;).

Lloyd Danforth


Charlie............we're on a bridge Charlie......
Shun the non-believers ssshhhhuuunnn!   

It is such a weird video but it seems to draw me back, uh oh, I"m being hypnotized by a Unicorn! :o

Defender of Liberty,

Rick read the thread and can't help, sorry. :(
