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Rochester Man Charged for Recording Cop

Started by FTL_Ian, May 09, 2007, 08:44 AM NHFT

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Quote from: mvpel on May 14, 2007, 12:53 PM NHFTAs I recall, there's a bill this session to make it so that police have no expectation of privacy in the performance of their duties.

Anyone know what the cut-off is for submitting bills?

I'd like to write one that would expressly eliminate the restriction on recording any public official, except when on purely personal business, and put the burden of proof onto them to prove that they were not doing anything remotely official at the time.  And make it a Class B felony for any government employee to interfere with the creation, storage, or distribution of such recordings.  And also make it a Class A felony to engage in a conspiracy to do so.

Let them get a taste of their own medicine.



Looks like it might have been HB872, which died on a unanimous committee recommendation.


Quote from: MaineShark on May 14, 2007, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on May 14, 2007, 12:53 PM NHFTAs I recall, there's a bill this session to make it so that police have no expectation of privacy in the performance of their duties.

Anyone know what the cut-off is for submitting bills?

I'd like to write one that would expressly eliminate the restriction on recording any public official, except when on purely personal business, and put the burden of proof onto them to prove that they were not doing anything remotely official at the time.  And make it a Class B felony for any government employee to interfere with the creation, storage, or distribution of such recordings.  And also make it a Class A felony to engage in a conspiracy to do so.

Let them get a taste of their own medicine.


You mean like something in this thread:

This was one of Denis' favorites.

Deadline for this year has past.
Meet your rep and befriend them now.
Then in Nov/Dec you can ask them to submit your request. (LSR)

Dave Ridley

Called RPD today and left two sentence written msg for chief with my contact info:

"Enforcement of a tyrannical law is wrong.  The wiretap law is tyrannical, and I object to your enforcement of it against Christopher Power. "


But Ms. Margaret Hassan assured us that the police would be reasonable even if the seatbelt law went into effect immediately on passage before anyone knew anything about it. 


On both bills this session (HB174 and HB872), there were strings of people who testified that they had been prosecuted by Law Enforcement for the "crime" of... recording their abuse at the hands of law enforcement. I told the House Criminal Justice Committee that citizens would continue to land in hot water until RSA 570-A is fixed.

Looks like they chose to look the other way.
Looks like they need ANOTHER string of citizens who have been unjustly prosecuted to come forward. Maybe second time around they will do something, if there is righteous indignation that they did nothing last time to protect their constituents from these abuses.

In 2005 (last interim session year), the window for submitting bills in the Fall was Sept 12-23.
I imagine it will be a similar timeframe this year. I don't see the dates on the latest House Calendar yet.


A good forward calendar entry?
"2 week notice for new bills." on Oct 30th?


Quote from: Dan on May 24, 2007, 03:04 PM NHFT
A good forward calendar entry?
"2 week notice for new bills." on Oct 30th?
See my above post. Could be as early as mid-Sept.


Oops.  That would be 40-something weeks to late, wouldn't it?