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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Oct 4 Tea Party Issues Update

Started by NHTPC, October 04, 2009, 03:22 PM NHFT

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Please note most of the events below were on the previous eblast but have been UPDATED with NEW information.


Organizing for America will be at the LOB Office Building, in Concord at 1:30 PM. The topic is of course health care reform. Whether this is a press conference, forum, or demonstration, be sure to attend and let them know you don't support the idea that a few elitists should control our health care system.     

OCTOBER 7 - BRENTWOOD Health Care Forum

(Note: John Stephen is not a candidate for any office and this event is not self-promotional or fundraising. It is similar to the Guinta town halls, purely informational. John will stay and answer all your questions.)

John Stephen to Speak at Public Health Care Forum

In case you missed John Stephen in Bedford, the Rockingham County Republican Committee will host an informational meeting on health care on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at the Hilton Auditorium in The Rockingham County Nursing Home, on North Road in Brentwood. The public is invited.

John Stephen, former New Hampshire Commissioner of Health and Human Services will address the topic of Health Care Issues and Potential Reform. "John will comment upon strengths and weaknesses of our current system, legislative action being considered by the Administration and Congress, and options for improving our health care system. Audience questions will be addressed." said Ken Weyler, Chairman of the Rockingham County Republican Committee. As head of the Health and Human Services, John oversaw a $1.8 billion a year agency, and was directly responsible for overseeing the divisions of juvenile justice, children youth and families, family assistance, child support and enforcement, Medicaid services, mental health and substance abuse services, and public health. John championed Granite Care, a nationally recognized Medicaid reform effort, which among other things, focused on rebalancing the long term care program, providing greater care coordination for Medicaid recipients, transforming the acute care benefit to one that focuses on prevention and wellness, and allowing for more competitive purchasing strategies. "With all of the commentary regarding changing the health care system, we suspect the voters will be interested to hear from someone like John Stephen, who has real experience in managing and reforming the delivery of health care services at the State level, "said Weyler. "We're fortunate to be able to offer the opportunity to hear John's perspective." John has recently worked for the Rhode Island Governor Don Cacieri to reform that state's health care program, saving over $338 million. He also provided consultation for Illinois Governor Pat Quinn in his efforts to bring reform to that State's program.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at the Hilton Auditorium in the Rockingham County Nursing Home on North Road in Brentwood.

John has also provided us with some Documentation for download that is worthy of your attention, as it accompanies his presentation. http://www.rockinghamgop.org/news/2009/09/24/john-stephen-to-speak-on-health-care/

At issue: 3 out of 4 of our US Congressional delegates and US Senators are insisting on supporting legislation that will lead to government managed health care despite the fact that polls show the majority do NOT support this. Your question may not have been covered in the video, so don't miss this second chance as the forum is open to anyone.

OCTOBER 8 - CONCORD Public Meeting on Climate Change
NH group overseeing climate plan to hold meeting

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A group overseeing New Hampshire's climate action plan to reduce carbon emissions blamed for global warming is holding a public meeting on Oct. 8. The 18-member New Hampshire Energy and Climate Collaborative includes leading businesses, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. The group is developing an inventory of efforts already under way to address energy and climate issues across the state. The meeting is in the Local Government Center in Concord from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Directions: http://www.nhlgc.org/LGCWebSite/AboutLGC/directions_to_LGC.htm

This information above was gleaned from an AP news article and is listed as a public meeting but strangely I cannot find any more info on the LGC website. I did find another mention of a day-long conference but I don't think it's the same thing. Please let me know if there are any changes.

At issue: Cap and Trade is just another huge tax which will be earmarked for global government. We believe it is unconstitutional on its face. China and India have said they will NOT enact a similar program. Cap and Trade will NOT affect the climate one bit.

John Lynch has signed a statement of NH's support for internationally binding legislation regarding climate change.
We wonder, what gave him the right to do this?

And if this were not bad enough, John Podesta and his 'progressives' are cooking up a European-style VAT tax as we speak:


This is an effort to surround the media and make the media accountable and is being planned for  Saturday Oct 17th from 11am - 12:30 PM on the corner of Granite St and South Commercial St. Outside WMUR Studios.

Imagine hundreds and thousands, maybe MILLIONS of freedom-loving, tax-paying Americans "surrounding" the media all around the country!

Here is the website that has started the grassroots movement:

Learn more of the details as they develop here:

RSVP on meetup at:

Or on facebook at:

Oct 21 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM in LOB 202-4
Oct 22 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in LOB 206-8

The House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Susan Almy is putting together a joint legislative summit to consider changes  to the state's tax laws. Almy is one of the most vocal income tax supporters in state government. But she doesn't stop there. She likes lots of other taxes.

This year her committee recommended, and she advocated, an estate tax and a capital gains tax. She's spent years searching for ways to raise taxes on Granite Staters. That she's organizing the summit is worrisome. That she deliberately kept it a secret because, she acknowledges, she didn't want the income tax information to get out, is troubling.

Almy claims that "If your impression of it is what the Union Leader editorial said, however, that is not going to be the subject matter.  We are looking for input on our current revenue structure as a whole, how it affects businesses' ability to grow and provide decent jobs for all segments of our citizenry, and whether businesses and NH economists and tax critics have suggestions for improvement."


Home Address:
266 Poverty Lane Unit 4B
Lebanon, NH 03766-2730
Phone: (603)448-4769
Email: susan.almy@comcast.net

Home Address:
35 Middle Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801-4802
Phone: (603)436-2108
Email: terie.norelli@leg.state.nh.us

Learn more about the plans for this day here:

Note: This meeting is open to the public although we will not be allowed to ask questions or speak. We should at least plan to crowd the room to show our disdain for the mere consideration of ANY new taxes. Signs in the room will likely not be appropriate, but there is always the sidewalk for those who cannot fit inside.

At issue: Taxes and more taxes... If you remember how the horse owners reacted when there was going to be a tax, and the dog breeders, the gunowners, and the campground owners,  there really isn't a group who hasn't been affected by some rise in taxes or fees or a PROPOSED tax or fee. This affects everyone folks! Start spreading the word.


Please check our website for these and/or events that come up too quickly to be eblasted or for sudden last-minute changes:

Also, check the individual 912 meetup group calendars for their events and photos:
There are many 912 groups including Rochester, Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Keene, but you can search for 912 and other liberty groups at: http://www.meetup.com/

Even more groups and events are here: http://www.nhlibertycalendar.org/

The NH Legislature will soon be back in session and many of our battles will be local. Find out all you need to know about NH government at these links:

State of NH Website

State Laws (RSAs)

NH Legislature

Bill Search

Roll Call Votes Representatives and Senators

House Streaming Video (when in session)


Write to (or call) Representative HODES, PORTER, and Senator SHAHEEN with your ideas.

Write to the newspapers about cap and trade tax, health 'reform' and why legislation like this will bankrupt the country.
They are all listed here: http://www.nhteapartycoalition.org/tea/government-contacts/nh-newspapers/

And of course, be sure to sign up for bill reviewing with this fine organization, http://www.nhliberty.org


Updated on October 6 at 2:32 PM