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Phila. Platform - Activists Unite Forging a New Vision and Strategy

Started by jaqeboy, July 17, 2007, 12:40 AM NHFT

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New Hampshire activists may want to join in on this strategy and create local actions - report of Paul Deslauriers from the Philadelphia July 4th conference:

Activists Unite Forging a New Vision and Strategy

Cindy Sheehan, a leading peace activist, gave a call to, "all citizens ... to join us in Philadelphia on July 4th to try and figure a way out of this "two" party system that is bought and paid for by the war machine which has a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives."

In the living tradition of the Declaration of Independence, twenty-four activist groups convened at Independence Center to form a strategic alliance with peace, pro-impeachment, veterans, civil liberties, 9/11 Truth, and other groups listed below. The Philadelphia Emergency Anti-War Convention united three-hundred activists to repeat history; as our forefathers/mothers of this nation did we too are facing tyranny. A growing number are realizing the urgency to change the corrupt system causing so much suffering, join us in achieving our goals and vision.

Vision & Goals:

1.  Impeach, remove, and indict Bush, Cheney and their partners in crime.

2.  End all wars, including the massive military spending.

3.  No to a Bush police-state dictatorship. Repeal the Patriot Act, restore full habeas corpus, and respect the Bill of Rights and the Geneva Convention.

4. Government by the People, not by big business, bankers and financiers. Right the wrongs of the Federal Reserve and Personal Income Tax. Economics that promote the general werlfare.

5.  9/11 truth. Publish the full 9/11 documentation, and re-open the investigation.

Participants in the Philadelphia event acknowledged how crucial it is we work together to achieve our vision. Distinguished speakers listed below provided education and insights. Delegates and participants identified the following collaborative actions.


1.      Hold massive rallies and events. Three events were identified: Ground Zero, 9/11/07, New York City 9/ 8-11 (www.NY911truth.org); Washington DC, 9/12-29 with lobbying, conference, and peace rally (A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition)(Family Victims of 9/11), (Troops Out Now Coalition), (www.dc911truth.org); Boston Tea Party 12/15&16 (www.Boston911truth.org/teaparty).

2.      Nominate and support independent political candidates for public office at all levels of government in the 2007 and 2008 elections, avoid politicians funded by special interests, and demand paper trail for ballots.(Coalition for Voting Integrity)

3.      Support veteran activist groups in their activities directed toward recruitment, veterans and enlisted military. (Iraq Veterans Against the War)

4.      Truth squad interventions taking advantage of the new media (using camcorders to capture political content which is then posted on the internet) to focus public attention and political debate on the urgent questions outlined above. (samuel@ettaro.com) (www.NE9/11truth.org) (DC truth squad) (We Are Change)

5.      Carefully selected legal and political actions, impeachment proceedings, lobby governors and senators and use court-martial proceedings, and the civil RICO suit against Bush-Cheney as a continuing criminal enterprise. Protect whistle blowers.(Progressive Democrats), (NY City 9/11 truth), (Phil Berg)

6.      Mass political education, through signage, flyers, internet web sites, petitions, conferences, books, DVDs, radio, community TV, call-ins ... take back the air waves. Special attention will be given to campus organizing, and the importance of professors being aware. Also, stage local events on the 11th of every month.(www.9/11truth.org)

7.      Further develop this United Approach to coordinate efforts realizing that our actions must be inclusive if they are to be effective. Develop networks that can orchestrate mass action, next collaborative event is in NY City at St. Mark's church, July 22 (PaulNRG@aol.com), (www.NY911truth.org)

We must act in new ways by uniting and expanding the circle of activism, the urgency is real as our liberties are further eroded, the threat of expanded war with Iran, and potential martial law.  Together we will regain our heritage of liberty, truth, and justice.

Recordings: The seven hour event is archived at the Revere Radio Network and the We the People Radio Network.

The Philadelphia Platform is an evolving document as input from around the country is included; this is available at the web site.

Web Site; www.philadelphiaplatform.org, actindependent.org 

Speakers at the Event: Webster Tarpley, David Lindorff, Bob Bowman, and Phil Berg

Activist organizations: Allentown Armory Activists, Alliance for a Sustainable Future, Boston 9/11 Truth, Coalition for Voting Integrity, DCOI Youth Group, DC 9/11 Truth, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, Family Victims of 9/11, Granny Peace Brigade, Green Party of Vermont, Green Party Philadelphia, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Northeast 9/11 Truth, Peace Action Delaware Valley, Philadelphia 9/11 Truth, Restore the Republic, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Troops Out Now Coalition, We Are Change, World Can't Wait Philadelphia.

Contact about this article: Paul Deslauriers,  Paulnrg@aol.com